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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 02:57 AM
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SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

My battle tested TP1 has seen better days and its time to put it out to greener pastures.

Quick history I have been a diehard WinMo / HTC user since the Apache doing all sorts of ROMS from building my own to using other chefs (currently running EnergyROM) not worried about the "customizing"

With Sprint not having an awe-inspiring line up for the now, I am looking at the future releases. Particularly the 3 listed in the subject.
Compare phones: Motorola PHOTON 4G, Samsung Within, HTC Mazaa - Phone Arena

My brother has the
Samsung Galaxy S. its seems OK, but he has to reset CONSTANTLY and he is running "stock" no solid performance. IMO my TP1 is more dependable

My uses will be mainly for business ie Word, excel, E-mail, SMS/MMS, Internet, ETC... The files I will be handling can be BIG (graphic designer) so something with enough pep to handle files/images customers send as well as proofing designs before sending.

Knowing this I have BIG FINGERS (ring size 16.5) so typing has been an issue with all touch screens.

I am an FIRM BELIEVER IN FREEWARE so if an app has to be bought to use these files that almost a sure deal breaker.

Hardware is my 1st concern both for performance and dependable, b/c as the technology advance the machine has to be able to handle the changes (to a certain extent) that the software throws at it. plus software can be changed & tweaked to you liking hardware not so much.

Thanks for any feedback
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Last edited by meanfishy; 07-22-2011 at 03:03 AM. Reason: added info
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 09:36 AM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

Samsung Within, easily...(There is also a rumor that the within will come with a keyboard version and a none keyboard version)

Which Galaxy S does your brother have? If he is getting slowdowns, then its most likely due to the RFS filesystem which can cause this if you use a lot of I/O...he should convert to EXT4... or wait till Gingerbread which while is still RFS has cpu optimization. Personally though I ran my Epic 2 months without 1 restart on stock easy.

Anyways SGS2 does not have RFS and its CPU is a lot more powerful then the one found in the Photon or the Mazaa..I mean with some mods it can record video 1080p video @ 26mbps bitrate.

Android as a platform has the highest ratio of free apps. There is also amazon app store which gives out 1 paid android app free every day.

Samsung usually includes Office for free with the phones. But there are other alternative offices in the market which while paid, offer free versions that are read only.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 10:32 AM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

Yeah I'd go Within (although that is a pretty stupid name) out of those 3 easily.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2011, 11:12 AM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

Thanks for the input. As much success as I have had with my WinMo devices. the hardware specs are no longer comparable to the android devices and with the recent trends/projections the android will be OS that leads the market in volume soon and with that the amount of apps free & paid with the customization I cant ignore.

Has there been talk of any other phones coming to sprint that offer the impressive hardware specs? the within (whoever named it WTF!!!) has the best specs that I can find, are there rumored others? What is the projected release date? Q3 or Q4?

My brother is using the 1st gen Galaxy S, wanna say its one of the first 100 models released.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2011, 03:36 PM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

Originally Posted by meanfishy View Post
Thanks for the input. As much success as I have had with my WinMo devices. the hardware specs are no longer comparable to the android devices and with the recent trends/projections the android will be OS that leads the market in volume soon and with that the amount of apps free & paid with the customization I cant ignore.

Has there been talk of any other phones coming to sprint that offer the impressive hardware specs? the within (whoever named it WTF!!!) has the best specs that I can find, are there rumored others? What is the projected release date? Q3 or Q4?

My brother is using the 1st gen Galaxy S, wanna say its one of the first 100 models released.

You gonna have to be a bit specific..is he using a i9000 (international galaxy s), Vibrant, Captivate, Epic, Fascinate (us variants)

Also some people confuse for a galaxy s but are not a galaxy s:

Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Moment, Samsung Galaxy Spica, Samsung Transform, Samsung Intercept
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2011, 12:19 AM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

You gonna have to be a bit specific..is he using a i9000 (international galaxy s), Vibrant, Captivate, Epic, Fascinate (us variants)

Also some people confuse for a galaxy s but are not a galaxy s:

Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Moment, Samsung Galaxy Spica, Samsung Transform, Samsung Intercept

I was mistaken the phone he has is the Samsung Epic™ 4G

Back to the phone comparison
having some time to look over the hardware some more, I did not know that sprint already have a phone out that are dual core.

so what is the thought of the current phones out when compared to the phones in the pipe line.

The other question I have is on screen resolution. As before I do graphic design work and looking for a screen that is has a resolution and screen size that can be used for for work.

thanks again for the input.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2011, 12:47 AM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

Originally Posted by meanfishy View Post
I was mistaken the phone he has is the Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G
Send him over to our Epic section and we will make his phone fly

Back to the phone comparison
having some time to look over the hardware some more, I did not know that sprint already have a phone out that are dual core.
Yes, the Evo3d is out and has a dual core, its the glasses free 3d one. The photon 4G will be out in 1 week..and SGS2 will be out sometime in Q3, we have no solid date.

so what is the thought of the current phones out when compared to the phones in the pipe line.
The Galaxy S2 is equal or bests the others in pretty much every single spec.

The other question I have is on screen resolution. As before I do graphic design work and looking for a screen that is has a resolution and screen size that can be used for for work.

thanks again for the input.
The screen size of these phones is 4.3"..T-mobile will be getting a 4.5" Galaxy S 2 but not sprint as far as I am aware.

SGS 2 is WVGA Super AMOLED Plus
and Evo3d and Photon 4g are qHD LCDs with evo 3d having a Parallax barrier for the 3d.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2011, 10:13 PM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa


THANKS!!! it is this sort of helpful & friendly information that makes this site, will continue referring people here when they get smart phones
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2011, 11:01 PM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

within for me also if im able to give up epic, love my epic so i may pass.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2011, 10:02 AM
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Re: SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa

no keyboard, equals not for me. my bro got a droid 3 last week on vzw. its pretty fing sweet.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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