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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2007, 08:14 AM
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I decided to purchase my first smartphone about a month ago. I was going to get an iphone, but decided against it after discovering Sprint SERO.

I narrowed my choices down to the touch and mogul. I went with the touch for the following reasons:

1. I've never used a hard keyboard before. Thus, if I've never had something, I know I won't miss it.

2. Size. If I decide that a smartphone isn't for me (and go back to the old paper dayplanner) I'll still need a usable phone, and would rather take the touch with me than have the "brick" in my pocket.

The rest of the "cons" about the touch didn't affect me very much. In my personal experience, everytime i'm within the range of a wi-fi signal, I'm also in the range of a computer, so the loss of wi-fi wasn't a big deal. I've also never used an IR port in my life. Once the touch finally arrives I'll be able to comment further.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2007, 06:59 PM
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Are talking about hard or soft rests?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2007, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by user13 View Post
Are talking about hard or soft rests?
I was talking about soft resets.

that would sux if it was the other way around tho.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2007, 10:19 PM
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After day one of using the Touch in the field, I am seriously leaning towards reactivating my Mogul and sending back the Touch. The soft keyboards are HORRIBLE, how can anybody type efficiently with them??

Fortunately (for our Touch lovers), the lack of a hard keyboard is probably the only real drawback with the Touch. It is a beautiful phone, but also very feminine; it is the perfect size, small enough to fit in a pocket, but too small a screen for soft keyboards to perform well enough. Typing is a nightmare, and I spend at least thrice as long with typing a text message as I would have with the Mogul. And the lack of support for the Palm Threaded SMS app makes it even worse.

The OZ Instant Messenger program is great though. It will stay signed in even if you exit the application, and most likely uses SMS for the messages since there is some latency between messages. I would love it if this app worked on the Mogul, but it doesn't.

Battery life is also weaker, most likely attributed to the smaller battery capacity, 1100mAh compared to 1500mAh on the Mogul.

TouchFLO SUCKS. I disabled it and use SPB's Smart Scrolling instead, which is available on the Mogul as well. I didn't find myself using the Cube at all, though it does look cool, it's pretty much useless to me.

The double RAM... This was a big draw factor for me, but as I said in my post above, now it just seems redundant. However, I was running like 20 applications without even knowing it; the phone runs smoothly still! The Mogul would have started choking at around 5 applications.

The screen is very bright, but suffers from a bad viewing angle. You have to hold the phone almost directly parallel to your face in order to get the best colors; the Mogul was fine even if you were looking at it flat on the table.

Anyway, that's my two cents so far. I will use it for at least a day or two, and see how it fares.

Last edited by leetsauce; 12-17-2007 at 04:21 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2007, 03:37 AM
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if you're looking for more of a smartphone - have you considered the moto q9c? The call quality is actually better I've found than on the Mogul and with the standard battery and cover replacing the extended one it's quite thin.

I tried out the touch but now that I finally have my mogul - I'm really glad I went that route. There is really no substitute for a real keyboard - especially if you're a heavy texter/emailer on your phone.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2007, 11:21 PM
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Still using both and it was a toss up for about a month but my touch is really pulling away. its just a way better device overall, no freezes ups, volumn works, bluetooth is awesome, ect... Keyboard was a major issue almost returned the touch after 3 days, but know I can type just as fast with touchpal as I can with a keyboard.
Im not new to ppc's Ive used the 6600, 6700, 6800, 6900. And the 6900 and 6600 have been best out of box, 6700 has so many custom options. 6800 had so much potential but the ball was droped on it.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2007, 11:29 PM
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Blatantly the Mogul.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2007, 11:38 PM
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I sat and thought about my usage since I purchased my phone. I'm about to go to a Touch from a 6700. Here's why...

1. I'm not a heavy texter. I rarely use my keyboard when I have to text. I've installed some better soft keyboards on my device and I'm pretty handy with the PCM Keyboard. Not as fast as typing on a keyboard, but fast enough to get stuff across. So I can afford to lose the keyboard.

2. I rarely use wifi on my phone. I usually need it to join a network. If I need it, like another poster stated I usually have a laptop that I can use. Rarely browse but if I do Ev-Do is sufficient. And when that Ev-Do Rev. A drops that's all I'll need.

3. More RAM/ROM obviously.
(The thing with the RAM that I find interesting is the fact that WM5/6 trained it's users to be resource Nazis. Myself included. LOL. We close a programs after we use it. F that. I decided I wanna live a little. I wanna run a million programs all at once! LOL.)

4. Never used the IR port. Not once. Ever. Glad to get rid of that.

5. Smaller and sleek.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 01:30 AM
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I have swapped back to the Mogul. The lack of a usable keyboard (to my Mogul-spoiled standards) makes typing on the Touch very aggravating. I don't know if it's the screen protector or just that extra plastic between the touch screen and the phone surface, but there seems to be image polarization when viewing the Touch in landscape mode. And because of that same extra layer, the screen requires twice as much pressure as it would on a Mogul. I'm used to the near-effortless screen strokes on my Mogul, so sometimes it takes two or three taps in order to register my selection.

I understand that some people can live without a workable keyboard, or wifi access, or even an IR port (useful for some laptops without BT). The Touch is truly reserved for those who simply want a nice stylish touch phone in a small size, willing to trade off features that some of us can't live without. It's a beautiful phone, very slender and soft to the touch, but it's crippled in terms of being an effective PDA. The Windows Bluetooth manager recognizes these differences, as the Mogul will appear with subtitle "Personal Digital Assistant," while the Touch is dubbed a mere "Smart Phone."

It is settled there. If you want a PDA, get the Mogul. If you want a smartphone with a touch screen, get the Touch.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by leetsauce View Post
I understand that some people can live without a workable keyboard, or wifi access, or even an IR port (useful for some laptops without BT). The Touch is truly reserved for those who simply want a nice stylish touch phone in a small size, willing to trade off features that some of us can't live without. It's a beautiful phone, very slender and soft to the touch, but it's crippled in terms of being an effective PDA. The Windows Bluetooth manager recognizes these differences, as the Mogul will appear with subtitle "Personal Digital Assistant," while the Touch is dubbed a mere "Smart Phone."

It is settled there. If you want a PDA, get the Mogul. If you want a smart phone with a touch screen, get the Touch.
It's not a trade off if you don't need the feature. So it's not just reserved for those "willing to trade off features." It's not crippled in terms of being an effective PDA. TouchFLO sits overtop of the same WM6 OS. It's a slightly different UI. Maybe a UI that you were uncomfortable with. If that's the case, that doesn't make it crippled. I was able to use the 6700 as a PDA and from playing with the Touch I'll be able to use this as a PDA as well.

And this sounds like elitism:

Originally Posted by leetsauce View Post
The Windows Bluetooth manager recognizes these differences, as the Mogul will appear with subtitle "Personal Digital Assistant," while the Touch is dubbed a mere "Smart Phone."
Hopefully this wasn't one of the reasons you think the Mogul is more of a phone.
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