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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 03:22 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

Originally Posted by 2k4mach View Post
they both run Android OS, your talking about there GUI's.

personally i like sense better than touchwiz.
Oops sorry that's what I meant to say. But yes Sense blows away the competition (touchwiz & motoblur)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 03:29 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

I think people confuse Build design, with Build Quality.. Epic is a pretty solidly built device.. but I would MUCH MUCH rather have an HTC designed device.. all things being equal.

CNET's comparison was a tad askew.. More like an EVO advertisement, as they short-changed the EPIC in some areas that the EPIC shouldve led.

The responses here are great.. I just need to use one i guess.. im also toying with going to AT&T.. but i dont know if i can stomach becoming an Iclone.. and those screens are too tiny(imo).

Screen realestate, Froyo, Community..
Mike20PR put it perfectly Software vs Hardware i supose.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 03:29 PM
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I'm a Evo owner and I think the Epic is a lil bit better.. as far as hardware goes.. I wouldnt switch though.. plus they just removed th 30fps cap.. its blazing now

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

Sense is much much more than just a new look. Whoever says that needs to do thei homework.

-It adds, accelrometer based ringer silence, quiet ringer
-enhanced copy paste
-integrated contacts, sms, email apps
-much better facebook, flickr, twitter integration
-exchange email when android did not support it
-auto text reflow in whatever zoom in browser (epic does this too)
-enhanced core apps (calendar, email, browser, sms, music player with ringtone trimmer built in)
-much more

Yo know the drill...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

Sense > TouchWiz is a matter of personal preference. The OP asks specific questions, and with the few unbias responses, you can tell the EPIC is "slightly" better on the 5 points.

And again, this coming from me IMO as an EVO owner.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

My girl has the Epic and is going to take it back as soon as they get an Evo in stock. For her once the case was put on the phone it became too bulky. Also the keyboard is pretty much useless once you learn swype.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 04:19 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

Originally Posted by thabanga510 View Post
My girl has the Epic and is going to take it back as soon as they get an Evo in stock. For her once the case was put on the phone it became too bulky. Also the keyboard is pretty much useless once you learn swype.

Lol this is actually the realization that made me second-guess my decision.. I was a hardcore keyboard guy.. Touch Pro 1 and 2, Mogul etc...
But Swype really is a game changer.. that, combined with the decent(at times) ability to game using the on screen controls, made me wonder if the EPIC really was for me.

I need to hitup a Sprint and mess around with an EVO a bit, guess this decision will be a preference type deal, as all things really are equal in this case
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

The increase in fps shown by the app is 2D not 3D, the Epic will always beat the EVO in that because of it's GPU. Of which the EVO doesn't have.

But please go to the Sprint store and lay both phones down. The Epic with a keyboard is only two credit cards "thicker"... The rounded edges compared to the square-ness of the EVO give it the illusion of being "thicker".. The Epic's amoled allow it's hardware to really be "thin" considering it has a keyboard.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 05:26 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

Originally Posted by clockcycle View Post
The EVO sleeps just like the Epic does.
He meant the new 4g feature which is 4g sleep..when not using 4g for data 4g gets a zzz icon next to it to conserve power. Evo at the moment does not have that
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 05:46 PM
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Re: EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions

I've owned both since launch. I deactivated the Epic after about 2 weeks and just took it back. Money was not a consideration of any type in this decision so the price is moot to me.

The super AMOLED screen was nice, but not so much that I went crazy over it. I prefer the larger screen of the EVO.
The keyboard was not as good as the TP2, but I liked it. I thought the emoticon button was stupid. I would have preferred the space bar take up 3 buttons instead of 2. The keyboard was not as convenient without the tilting of the screen.
Swype... Swype is awesome as shit. It was much more compelling that the physical keyboard. I don't type long diatribes or novels on my phone. I do email and text and surf the net, but Swype proved to be plenty good for that. Having said that, Swype works on the EVO so that made the Epics keyboard even less useful to me.
Call quality was very similar. I think the vibrate may have been a bit stronger on the Epic.
I like a lot of the things about Sense better than TW.
The extent of my gaming on either is quick games or puzzle games. Not 1 game has been great on either phone. At this point I don't understand 3D mobile gaming on the phones. Emulators would be cool and I suppose the Epic would win in this regard. I rarely have time for games that require constant attention though.
Music sounded good through both.
The Youtube app is better on the Evo, but can be had on the Epic.
The EVO charges faster I can't say which had better battery life. The Epic's charging point was already becoming finicky on me though. My uncle is already having similar results with his Epic too.
FM radio is a bonus for the EVO, but of no value real value to me, unless it was an emergency situation where the power was out.
DLNA is completely useless to me. HDMI is not something I use either. If I have HDMI access, I probably have my laptop or am at my home with my PS3. Composite is really the most useful for me in a situation like this. I never did see if it worked on the Epic and I am not sure if the EVO can either. I know I am in a minority here, but I don't plan on taking any chances if I am doing a presentation...
I like that the batteries are the same as a few other HTC devices I have running around my office and within my family.
Both of the speaker phones suck compared to the TP2.
I prefer the 16GB in the box card as well as the location for getting it in and out.
The Epic has a poor time being recognized as USB mass storage. That is a feature I use a lot.
The cameras were a toss up. I kept hearing that the Epic had better optics. The both are cameras on a phone. I won't be expecting anything better until a phone has a decent lens. Neither were breathtaking and neither were horrible. I think the flash is brighter on the EVO, due to 2 LEDs. That is useful for me as a flashlight more than anything.
The EVO already has Froyo. I don't have ANY clue what the actual improvements are for Froyo, EXCEPT Chrome2Phone. Which totally kicks ass.

Take all this with a grain of salt. I used to buy and play and toy with phones. I still like the best hardware and such and to play with them, but mostly I just need one to work for business now. I don't have time to be jacking around with roms and crap. I preferred the EVO. I don't pay the cellular bill and I can have ANY phone I want. That is the one I chose of the two. When the next best thing comes out, I will probably try it out too. If anyone has a different opinion on this post, that is fine. I probably won't remember to revisit this thread to defend my points so let it be know, this is not something I want to convince anyone of, it is 100% my thoughts and experience and that is all.
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