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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2010, 10:56 PM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

im hoping the legend comes to sprint. i just heard verizon is getting the iphone next year. i hope sprint has some good phones up their sleeves or it's game over and no im not counting any wp7 crap either.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 11:09 PM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
im hoping the legend comes to sprint. i just heard verizon is getting the iphone next year. i hope sprint has some good phones up their sleeves or it's game over and no im not counting any wp7 crap either.
The new Samsung Epic comin out seems to finally be a step in the right direction
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2010, 12:17 AM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

Originally Posted by iviyth0s View Post
This is why I wont upgrade to something the takes away features even if it gains new ones, I'm waiting for sprint to have a super phone with a real keyboard, have the essential buttons physical, a dpad/trackball'd be nice too!!!
I'll never get my wish though, it'll just be "lets imitate Apple and make as few buttons as possible with a giant touchscreen". <_<

That's why I like the nexus one, it's bigger than the hero but not too big and still has the trackball

Not a Evo but I went to a TP2 from the Hero 15 days after getting the Hero at the end of this past April.Stupid move..I was assured I was getting a much better phone at the Sprint store (yea..right ) 4 POS windoz tp2's later in 3.5 months,today I'm finally back with the Hero running the upgraded 2.1 This thing is much faster and responsive than my first one or the other 3 in my family all running 1.5,and yes,I too like the track ball . If I can figure out all what this thing does in 2 months I'll be even happier than I am right now.Just need to learn how to delete some of the junk Sprint has loaded on it without bricking it..and move things around for easier usage if possible

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

Actually, my TP2 is much faster than my hero 2.1. I am running stock on both.
Hero 1.5 was much faster than 2.1, but still not as fast as TP2 on 6.5
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

Originally Posted by GhettoBSD View Post
Actually, my TP2 is much faster than my hero 2.1. I am running stock on both.
Hero 1.5 was much faster than 2.1, but still not as fast as TP2 on 6.5
In the last 3.5 months I personally have had 1 Hero with 1.5 and 2-6.1 TP2's and 2-6.5 TP2's ..all of which went belly up on their own for 1 reason or another..and with my limited usage of a couple of days can say this one is 100x better than my first Hero..What I have now with the Hero and the updated 2.1 smokes everyone of them as well as the other 3 Hero's we got at the start of our contract at the end very end of April on the family plan and they are all stock and still running 1.5. While not as fast as a Evo..it is amazingly fast and it's a stock cdma Sprint one. Battery life on it isn't the best nor does it last as long as the other 3 averaging about 8 hours on a charge but I am sure this can be taken care of with a battery tweak at some point if I can find one with out having to root this phone. I'm not a power user or geek that oc's everything I have..but I would like to try at some point,just to see if I can have a stable oc'd device.Haven't done any of that since I was oc'ng a Pentium 350 to 650mhz a long long time ago.

For a 1-2 year old design it seems to me it still has plenty to offer..and is a shame they are making it obsolete already.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2010, 07:28 PM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

Glad it's working out for you. I find my 2.1 hero to be very laggy. For example, when calling someone up, laggggggg. Even answering a call, the phone answers but doesn't display it on screen until after a few seconds. I wonder if it's because it was updated OTA.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2010, 10:37 PM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

Moved to Phone Comparison.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2010, 11:03 AM
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Re: Went from EVO to hero...

Originally Posted by GhettoBSD View Post
Glad it's working out for you. I find my 2.1 hero to be very laggy. For example, when calling someone up, laggggggg. Even answering a call, the phone answers but doesn't display it on screen until after a few seconds. I wonder if it's because it was updated OTA.
I don't know..I have a little lag on answering and dialing..but not very much. Being able to minimize all of Sprints screens onto 1 home screen saves me having to scroll through all of them to get what I am looking for.I couldn't do this before with 1.5. The free advance app killer is giving me 60% memory free to use as well. Like I said..this new phone from Sprint is pretty cool..and pretty fast,maybe they have tweaked them and as such are doing something different with the new ones...? It would be nice if Sprint or HTC has done some tweaks and bug fixes on this version since they aren't going to put out Froyo for them. I will be taking my other 3 back to them and let the store update them to see if there is any differences..I did download the Dolphin HD browser and removed Opera from the phone..It and Skyfire run way better and faster now since doing that.I haven't had any freezes like I was getting and the new Dolphin HD has some interesting tweaks you can use to help speed up any browsing..http://home.dolphin-browser.com/tunny/Feature.htm

The more I use this phone..the more I like it..

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