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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 02:00 PM
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Phone Stolen :( Help between 2 phones

Hi Everyone

Monday night my purse was stolen which had my HTC Touch 6900 in it. I am with Bell Canada and they suck because i can either go to a crapy standard phone or upgrad phone and plan cost which i don't want to do. I liked what my HTC had and did for me and so I went to Ebay and found one i can purchase.

My boyfriend and I were in Rogers where his phone is with and i was looking at the LG Xenon and i liked it but of course it was turned off. Futher searching of ebay i have found i can get a new one unlocked for the same price as the HTC was and now i am stuck.

Can anyone help me with how these two compare, if they even do? Also can i even use these unlocked phones on Bell?

Thank you for any help with this.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 03:35 PM
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Re: Phone Stolen :( Help between 2 phones

Originally Posted by ladyofthemist View Post
Hi Everyone

Monday night my purse was stolen which had my HTC Touch 6900 in it. I am with Bell Canada and they suck because i can either go to a crapy standard phone or upgrad phone and plan cost which i don't want to do. I liked what my HTC had and did for me and so I went to Ebay and found one i can purchase.

My boyfriend and I were in Rogers where his phone is with and i was looking at the LG Xenon and i liked it but of course it was turned off. Futher searching of ebay i have found i can get a new one unlocked for the same price as the HTC was and now i am stuck.

Can anyone help me with how these two compare, if they even do? Also can i even use these unlocked phones on Bell?

Thank you for any help with this.

I'd use the Touch personally because LG Xenon uses a proprietary operating system and the Touch uses Windows Mobile, which you can upgrade to 6.5 and do a bunch of really cool stuff with. The Xenon is very closed, what you see is what you get. I have heard it doesn't have a great radio for recption too.

The Xenon does have a keyobard and slightly higher resolution. They both have 2.8" screens.

If they are "unlocked" then they will work with any GSM carrier.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 12:59 AM
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Re: Phone Stolen :( Help between 2 phones

Yeah getting a propriety OS sucks..it makes it a pain from everything from getting ringtones to etc..at first its ok but turns into a pain...

If your gonna stay on Bell, wait for August 6th and get a Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant ..it will come to rogers too but in September which is a while away..

As for unlocking devices, if remember correctly Rogers is GSM and Bell is CDMA is it not?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 01:12 AM
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Re: Phone Stolen :( Help between 2 phones

Thank you for the tips. Bell just changed there service and its now GSM and something else as well. I think i will go back to my HTC Touch. I would love to get a HTC Touch Pro 2 but I am not to sure they came out to bell or if i could get an unlocked one to work on bell. My plan isn't a data plan so they want to up my plan to handle the current smartphones. I don't use the internet or data, just text, phone and games lol and now i am so used to what the touch had i can't go back.

Thank you again.
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