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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 01:24 AM
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INC versus X

I was shocked to find nobody else has started this but it was inevitable...

So I began my life on this site over on the imagio side of things. The imagio wasn't bad, but after my fourth replacement I went to the INC. After ordering it on 6/4, I finally got it on 7/3. So far, I absolutely love everything about it. That being said, the droid X definitely has my attention. I've read a number of reviews and it seems like the majority of the comparisons I've read thus far break it down to screen size, HD video (who cares), three mic's, and a "dedicated" GPU. The only thing that really has my attention is the GPU. While I would like to hear what you guys think, here is the heart of the issue: Will having the GPU amount to a hill of beans when it comes to performance?

Obviously, my first inclination is that of course it will. After thinking about it though, it raises the question as to if there is any software out there or soon-to-be that would benefit from it? I can't imagine how anything could run "faster" on the X than it would on the INC. The web is obscenely fast, sense is amazing, etc. So is the GPU the first in a new breed of phones, or is this something that will take years before we see anyone truly utilizing it? If the consensus is that the non-GPU phones are a dying breed, then I may jump ship come Thursday. If it's just hardware that'll be fun to brag about but never used then I'm going to stick with the INC.

All this comes down to the fact that I made a mistake buying the imagio. It was a dying breed of phone. I don't want to see my lovely $200 INC being the $49 VZW special in 3 mths while the X remains the flagship. I'd like to at least be on the top of the heap until late fall...

Debate on...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 08:34 AM
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Re: INC versus X

The Droid X has the same encrypted bootloader as the milestone. Deal breaker for me.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 12:43 PM
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Re: INC versus X

Moved to Phone Comparison

A good place to look for these types of discussion BTW.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 03:52 PM
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Re: INC versus X

Originally Posted by ThatDudeButch View Post
The Droid X has the same encrypted bootloader as the milestone. Deal breaker for me.
Does an encrypted boot loader mean no rooting or does it simply make it harder to do?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 04:11 PM
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Re: INC versus X

Originally Posted by gilbenl View Post
Does an encrypted boot loader mean no rooting or does it simply make it harder to do?
I think you can root and get super access but you can't load custom roms (similar to the milestone)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 02:43 PM
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Moving on from TP to Android - deciding on Droid X vs. Incredible

I'm reaching the 2 year mark with my Touch Pro which has been a great phone for me. For the first year I used the SSK 2 (6.1 WM) ROM and then upgraded to SSK 3 (6.5 WM). The apps I use a lot are Pocket Informant, TomTom 7, Note2Self, Audible and Opera Mini 5 in addition to the built in ones. I also replaced the dialer with PhonEx 2.2 just to have a more finger friendly dialing experience.

I help small businesses deploy handhelds so from time to time I get to use blackberries and iPhones for a few days. I've only owned Treos and HTC sliders so this will be the first time using on screen keyboard. I found landscape typing on the Incredible to be just as easy as my Touch Pro physical keyboard. For years I've reworked WM 5 and 6 phones to be as finger oriented as possible. Before the iPhone had come out I had decided that Microsoft needed to ditch the stylus and ancient Win CE style input forms. I downloaded any app that took WM in that direction.

The advent of the iPhone was frustrating to me because ATT's network doesn't cut it for the coverage I require (can't be dropping calls during delicate server support calls). I prefer Microsoft's business model to Apple's and the Apple marketing hype and the droves of sheeple that follow it turn me off. But...they did get the smartphone almost exactly right. All of us on these forums had been telling Microsoft (well each other, MS should have been listening) for years what they needed to do.

I had fun customizing the Windows Mobile phones but it was mostly out of desperation that I got into it. I'm not waiting for WM7 because it sounds like MS has iPhonitis. Android appeals to me as an open platform like what we're used to with pre-WM7 Windows Mobile.

Anyone else deciding on Droid X vs Incredible as replacement for TP?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 03:25 PM
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Re: Moving on from TP to Android - deciding on Droid X vs. Incredible

Yep, I'm in a similar boat. Honestly, the droid x seems to beat out the incredible in almost every area as far as the specs are concerned. Battery life is advertised as being significantly better on the droid x, which is definitely a plus. The only thing that draws me more toward the incredible is my loyalty to HTC. They have always made a great product, and they are a great company.

Dunno which way I will go, but either way, I'm going to be waiting a while to see how the first run of droid x's go over with the public. I'm picking up an Eris to use in the meantime, which I will be selling to help fund the purchase of the droid x / incredible.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 03:33 PM
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Re: Moving on from TP to Android - deciding on Droid X vs. Incredible

For this reason I would stay away from the Droid X.

Seems like a great device, but it sounds like Motorola & IBM have crippled it from any ROM modifications.

Stick with HTC would be my recommendation.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 05:22 PM
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Re: Moving on from TP to Android - deciding on Droid X vs. Incredible

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
For this reason I would stay away from the Droid X.

Seems like a great device, but it sounds like Motorola & IBM have crippled it from any ROM modifications.

Stick with HTC would be my recommendation.
i think you will see that beat in short order. i know the guys here and over at XDA will have it figured out as soon as they can. they will find a way to make new "roms" "approved" or find a way around it.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: Moving on from TP to Android - deciding on Droid X vs. Incredible

I've always pay for Assurion mostly in case I need a replacement due to catastrophic damage so I don't really worry too much about build quality. I agree that HTC quality control should be improved. One issue is once you go into the Assurion replacement you are getting refurbs - I've had a few develop very strange problems like the buttons not working. On the other hand I have some HTC brand loyalty because they have provided the best Windows Mobile phones by far.

I'm going to let other people put the Droid X through its paces for at least a month. I also need to hold it in my hand to make sure I like the form factor. I've spent a day with the Incredible and thought it was excellent in every respect. I didn't get a chance to use it in a fringe reception area though. I thought the touch screen was equally responsive as the iPhone's but better visually.

I do need to root the phone so I guess that is a vote for the Incredible.

Over the years Motorola's phone software has been abysmal whereas HTC has down wonders with WM6.x athough reviews claim the overall user experience on both phones is almost indistinguishable.

I'm definitely leaning toward the Incredible.
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