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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 03:40 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

Once again, thank you all for the responses!! Since I have just graduated, I have been on my parents Sprint plan. Therefore, purchasing the Evo will cause a change to their primary family plan, however I will be paying for half.

The other thing is I still need to look into if I can even switch to at&t without getting billed for early contract termination!

I went to the Sprint store today and played withe Hero to test out android. I really do love the operating system, the widgets, customization, all the bells and whistles. My biggest gripe was with the keyboard and text messaging. The keyboard was extremely slow, and reminded me of my touch diamond using fingerkeyboard. When it comes to the ipod touch, I feel as though I can type as fast as I do on a computer with two thumb typing. I did not get this with the hero at all, which worries me about the Evo.

Last night I texted 3 people for a total of two hours non-stop. It takes forever for me to receive messages on my Diamond and to type it out without making mistakes. Within these two hours, the phone died from too much cellular activity!! I guess I am just such a heavy texter that I worry about how the keyboard responds and how fast messages are processed. Hence why I was also looking at blackberries, but I will miss the multimedia aspect.

For those of you who have used the hero and Evo, any difference between keyboards? Whats the secret to faster typing. Also those of you who have used an iphone/ipod touch, how do you feel about keyboard functionality compared to android keyboards?

Thanks guys!! This is extremely helpful in making a decision
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

orangekid, that is the best response i have read thus far on comparing the two phones. If I didn't feel like a junkie waiting for a friday morning -7am best buy- fix i would wait until the iphone came out and compare.

Unless the iphone blows evo out of the water, I would still have to lean to the evo, because a sprint family plan is still the best deal.

I am switching from the diamond as well. I don't know how I talked myself into it over the iphone!!!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 05:21 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

Originally Posted by shaned197 View Post
For those of you who have used the hero and Evo, any difference between keyboards? Whats the secret to faster typing. Also those of you who have used an iphone/ipod touch, how do you feel about keyboard functionality compared to android keyboards?
I have used a Diamond, Pro, Pro2, HD2, mytouch3G, Hero, iPhone, and a Nexus one.

The Nexus One specs are very similar to the Evo.

The fastest/best response I have gotten from a keyboard is tied between swype on the nexus one and the iPhone keyboard. Swype on my HD2 is a little harder because the screen can be too big (kinda like the Evo). There will be no lag, the snapdragon has got you covered.

for some reason landscape typing on an iPhone is FAST and the autocorrect is spot on, so you can really fly.

Imo you would probably like the iPhone keyboard in landscape more than the rest, but the Evo in portrait, especially using swype or Better
Keyboard. Keep in mind in Android you can easily install more keyboards and in the iPhone it is not quite as easy or available (although the stock keyboard is really good).

Originally Posted by cmanbrazil View Post
orangekid, that is the best response i have read thus far on comparing the two phones. If I didn't feel like a junkie waiting for a friday morning -7am best buy- fix i would wait until the iphone came out and compare.

Unless the iphone blows evo out of the water, I would still have to lean to the evo, because a sprint family plan is still the best deal.

A lot of people want to "bash" the iPhone as inferior because they don't know what it can do and how powerfully it can perform, added to that the "cool" factor in not being part of the status quo. It can compare very well with Android and I guarantee you the 4G/HD will be very popular. I just wish they'd get a CDMA version. The Evo is a great choice. I love android more and more every day, and I even took my MyTouch with me today to work instead of my HD2! (I have a really sick android 2.1 ROM on it, overclocked the processor, and tweaked and modded various APKs so the homescreen moves fast and goes landscape when you tilt your phone, plus some more cool stuff)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 05:58 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

BRB putting on sunglasses to read your post
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 05:59 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
for some reason landscape typing on an iPhone is FAST and the autocorrect is spot on, so you can really fly.
U r right about that. To me the iphone still has the best on screen keyboard around. In portrait or landscape i can type very fast and accurate. The Hero keyboard was ok but i hated the lag. im hoping with the Evo's screen size and lack of lag I can type just as fast, especially in landscape.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

If you are open to switching to AT&T and the high monthly cost of owning an Iphone, I would wait and get the Iphone 4G. If you like your sprint service and dont want to spend a lot of money then Go with the EVO 4G. No matter what you should be happy.

I have an HTC Touch Pro 2 (SPRINT) and have Used an Iphone 2G & 3GS, I also owned an Ipod Touch 3G (Lost it 2 months ago) and was really happy with it. Jailbreak it and you will be so happy.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 06:18 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

Orange kid your responses are extremely helpful and thanks are definitely given! I am not sure what it was about the hero keyboard.. maybe its the autocorrect and the haptic feedback that made it slower than others. Swype, I simply cannot use as I hate using one hand (I feel like my other hand should be helping when texting!)

But I do appreciate all responses, and the iPhone is looking to be a stronger competitor. Any one know off the top of their heads if at&t does a family plan for iPhones? Because if I'm switching my mom will probably follow!

My main reason for choosing the evo over the iphone was our contract and my diamond crapping out. No longer vibrates, doesn't accept charge, doesn't ring on occasion. Maybe I modded it too many times in the past!!

Thanks guys!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 06:40 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

Originally Posted by shaned197 View Post
Orange kid your responses are extremely helpful and thanks are definitely given! I am not sure what it was about the hero keyboard.. maybe its the autocorrect and the haptic feedback that made it slower than others. Swype, I simply cannot use as I hate using one hand (I feel like my other hand should be helping when texting!)

But I do appreciate all responses, and the iPhone is looking to be a stronger competitor. Any one know off the top of their heads if at&t does a family plan for iPhones? Because if I'm switching my mom will probably follow!

My main reason for choosing the evo over the iphone was our contract and my diamond crapping out. No longer vibrates, doesn't accept charge, doesn't ring on occasion. Maybe I modded it too many times in the past!!

Thanks guys!

thanks, and you're welcome.

Yes att does iPhones on family plans in some shape/form, I have friends who do that. I use my iPhones on T-Mobile for $60 a month 500 mins, unlimited text, unlimited data, you can't beat that.

but I think with family plans it's not so bad with the iPhone plan. I'd wait till they're both out (should both be out in a week if rumors are true) and see what you want. Remember, this is your phone, pda, rig, device, etc... you want to be happy with your choice

Also, since this is about comparing different phones, I am moving this to Phone Comparison forum

Last edited by orangekid; 06-01-2010 at 06:52 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 06:58 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

This is difficult. My brother left for the iphone last august but bought a new diamond the december before that. Therefore, we put him on military leave expecting the 2 year contract to end this upcoming december. However, a new representative said it simply put the contract on hold and that line still has 16 months remaining, and will have to pay for an early termination to the contract.

For sprint, we would get the cheapest family plan with the 10$ Evo charge, it would cost $139.99 a month. There we would get 1500 minutes.

If I wanted a family iphone plan, the cheapest plan

550 min shared - $59.99
text - $30.00
iphone data X 2 - $30.00

= $149.99

Therefore, I would be paying 10$ more and have 1000 less minutes. So that leads to the question if the iphone is really worth it to lose the minutes!

So many decisions!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 07:29 AM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

Orangekid, all valid points, but IMO, HTML5 has long way to go before it's even close to Flash. And besides, HTML5 will never be able to do few things, like live streaming, something that Flash does already.

My gripes with iPhone is that it's not customizable. I like widgets. iPhone has none. Kind of a deal killer for me.
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