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Old 06-01-2010, 06:58 PM
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Re: Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!

This is difficult. My brother left for the iphone last august but bought a new diamond the december before that. Therefore, we put him on military leave expecting the 2 year contract to end this upcoming december. However, a new representative said it simply put the contract on hold and that line still has 16 months remaining, and will have to pay for an early termination to the contract.

For sprint, we would get the cheapest family plan with the 10$ Evo charge, it would cost $139.99 a month. There we would get 1500 minutes.

If I wanted a family iphone plan, the cheapest plan

550 min shared - $59.99
text - $30.00
iphone data X 2 - $30.00

= $149.99

Therefore, I would be paying 10$ more and have 1000 less minutes. So that leads to the question if the iphone is really worth it to lose the minutes!

So many decisions!
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