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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 10:22 AM
drnoir's Avatar
Pocket PC: CDMA treo Pro
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Smile A way to sync your music to the STP

So, after several months looking into syncing my content between iTunes and my STP I gave up like many of you probably did. I mean, I tried DoubleTwist, iTunes Agent and other programs but the stupid palm welcome program kept thwarting my efforts.

Then, I got a PSPGo a few weeks ago and installed the Sony Media Go software on my PC and lo and behold, it recognized my phone just fine and allowed me to import all my iTunes music and sync podcasts and playlists to either the phone memory or the storage card. Zero config/mods needed. Plus it seems to do a direct write bypassing the WMDC and achieving really good write speeds.

Just thought I'd share this small tidbit with you all, seeing as how the Media Go is free software offered by Sony without registration of any sort...

Let me know if you can replicate this at home, will you?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 09:06 PM
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Re: A way to sync your music to the STP

thx for sharing...
"that skeeg dude with the black girl"
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