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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Quality of the device. I went through 3 800W devices before going with a Touch Pro.

Originally Posted by AB33 View Post
If someone already has a Treo 800w, why even bother with the Treo Pro? no real difference in the specs.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 01:17 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

I second this. I have had every HTC phones out, and I've even had the very first window phone with the sliding up/down keyboard. Although I can say that those phones have improved with each new phone. This treo pro is by far the best phone out yet. To me it's way better than the touch pro, and I still have it cus I use 2 phones. Before I would use the HTC series of phones to text and use for the internet. but the HTC phones always was always a bad talk phone, so I had to have another phone that I could use just for the purpose of talking on. But now, this treo pro does it all, and does it all much better than the HTC series phones.

I was even going to just use the treo pro for just 30 days and keep returning it until the palm pre came out.... and use the HTC for texting and the internet, and use the treo pre for a talking phone. but now I may get rid of the HTC series and replace it with the palm pre because the palm pre is suppose to be better than the Iphone... This is just my imput

Originally Posted by bigdeath View Post
I had the touch pro and went to the treo pro. I have to say I had my doubts at first... but the treo pro is an awesome piece of equipment. Its web is faster than my touch pro, it doesnt freeze as much, I mean everything is better in my opinion with the exception of screen size.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Originally Posted by Phreddo View Post
If i owned an 800w, i wouldn't upgrade unless i could do it cheap.
I've seen some new ones on eBay go for ~$150; average prices are hovering around $175 now...

that's pretty damn cheap for a new phone
  #34 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2009, 12:54 AM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Don't feel like doing a full review, but will do a quick comparrison to the touch pro.

Better than Touch Pro
Call quality, sound level
visibility in direct sunlight
responsiveness(surprising since it has less than half the RAM)
Battery Life

Not as good

ability to customize (load ROMS)

Overall so far I would give the nod to the Treo for all of my needs, only thing it doesnt do is satisfy my desire to customize it.
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Old 06-01-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Originally Posted by Scrotum View Post
Don't feel like doing a full review, but will do a quick comparrison to the touch pro.

visibility in direct sunlight
responsiveness(surprising since it has less than half the RAM)
Battery Life
+1, i love these features on my fone, especially the direct sunlight visibility=D>
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2009, 12:16 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

I've had my Treo Pro since March 15th, but I really wish I'd gotten something different. .

  • Size, feels great in the hand
  • Looks, chromy, shiny, compliments my Studio XPS 13 perfectly
  • Keyboard, I never thought I'd be able to type with 2 fingers after trying it on the iPhone and failing since I couldn't grip the phone comfortably, but it works wonderfully with this phone.
  • Battery life
  • Random glitches, phone freezes for a bit when unlocking after wi-fi has been on, IE6 crashes 50% of the time I try to close it and the audio playback glitches way too much.
  • Build quality, this is my 2nd Treo Pro, first one the keys did not light up properly and the battery cover was very loose, 2nd one is better, but the chrome L in palm has fallen off the battery cover already.
  • Reception. Possibly the sensitivity is just set too low, as I have no trouble making calls, but it constantly switches back and forth between 1x and EV-DO at my house making it impossible to use data without wi-fi, I have an old Samsung A900 that never leaves EV-DO in the same spot.
  • Screen resolution and not so much that it's low, but I've found issues with some apps that are made for 320x240 or 640x480.
That being said, if the Touch Pro2 drops this month as rumored, I think I'll be leaving the Treo Pro. I feel as though I made a mistake of waiting for the Treo Pro, the multiple delays caused me to waste my money on a G1 in the meantime, all because I was tired of the iPhone I had. I should have just got the Touch Pro, upgraded to the Touch Pro2 and completely skipped the G1 and Treo, as I've found that form factor is actually what I like best.

Last edited by rudefyet; 06-07-2009 at 12:37 PM.
  #37 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 05:10 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Originally Posted by rudefyet View Post
I've had my Treo Pro since March 15th, but I really wish I'd gotten something different. .

  • Size, feels great in the hand
  • Looks, chromy, shiny, compliments my Studio XPS 13 perfectly
  • Keyboard, I never thought I'd be able to type with 2 fingers after trying it on the iPhone and failing since I couldn't grip the phone comfortably, but it works wonderfully with this phone.
  • Battery life
  • Random glitches, phone freezes for a bit when unlocking after wi-fi has been on, IE6 crashes 50% of the time I try to close it and the audio playback glitches way too much.
  • Build quality, this is my 2nd Treo Pro, first one the keys did not light up properly and the battery cover was very loose, 2nd one is better, but the chrome L in palm has fallen off the battery cover already.
  • Reception. Possibly the sensitivity is just set too low, as I have no trouble making calls, but it constantly switches back and forth between 1x and EV-DO at my house making it impossible to use data without wi-fi, I have an old Samsung A900 that never leaves EV-DO in the same spot.
  • Screen resolution and not so much that it's low, but I've found issues with some apps that are made for 320x240 or 640x480.
That being said, if the Touch Pro2 drops this month as rumored, I think I'll be leaving the Treo Pro. I feel as though I made a mistake of waiting for the Treo Pro, the multiple delays caused me to waste my money on a G1 in the meantime, all because I was tired of the iPhone I had. I should have just got the Touch Pro, upgraded to the Touch Pro2 and completely skipped the G1 and Treo, as I've found that form factor is actually what I like best.
The issue with not being able to use DATA seems like a defective phone, I live in a 1x area and it feels to me that data is actually faster than the touch Pro at home, when on the road i have no issues connecting to data in EVDO areas, and noticed that on my trips to San Diego I am receiving EVDO sooner than with the Touch Pro, even though there are no new towers. I would recommend taking the phone in to be looked at. Also, I have noticed that if you send a text you will see that the EV icon will go away for a bit while the text is sent, so that may be the issue with it switching back and forth.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 07:07 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

It's possible, I never had the problem with the phone hanging for a few seconds when unlocking it after using wi-fi on the first one I had, that always bothered me.

Either way I live on the edge of the local EV-DO coverage, so I don't even get one bar of coverage, and it often switches between EV-DO, 1x, and 1x Verizon just turning around in my computer chair, data works but it often gets interrupted as the phone loses service. I should mention it only does this at my house, elsewhere it works fine, and I've seen speeds of 900k to 1mbit. Then again, I have this a900, which I thought had the worst service ever, my Mogul got much better reception, but now the Treo Pro makes the a900 look good.

If it is a defect then it doesn't make me want to waste my time with another HTC manufactured device, seeing as this would be the 2nd Treo Pro with issues I've been given.
  #39 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

I love this device..Its simple and elegant. I came from a Touch Pro and it is just so much more stable.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 11:10 PM
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Re: Treo Pro Reviews

Sure I have a question or two I have had the phone for just about a year and I have beening running spb since it was annouced runs smooth no problems,,,,I can use my Pro as a modem for my laptop any were there is not wifi access with no prob,,, I also can plug in my phone to my Desktop speaks and listen to my sprint tv or radio...
So the question i have is I have been attempting to come up with a was to tranfer the picture in HD to my monitor on either system any help?/
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