New Rom
I am making a new rom for the treo pro and just would like to know if anybody would be interested in these programs being on it.
Last edited by starsoccer9; 12-06-2009 at 10:57 AM. Reason: Added .net framework |
Re: New Rom
All of those are great to put in a ROM! Specially the Tsowen taskbar
Except don't put in Manila 2D as it doesn't work correctly with 6.5 All of the softbuttons on any panel don't do anything.
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Does palm threaded SMS work with sending and recieving picture and video messages. If it doesn't I don't think it should be included in the ROM. The last time I tried to use it, it still didn't fully work with MMS. |
Re: New Rom
Hi.. I have used nightraven's Rom with RealVGA and Palm threaded messaging and MMS works fine once you put in your carrier's settings.. GSM btw.. Just so you know. I'm on for your setup btw.. Good luck! |
Re: New Rom
Also im going to test it and see if works but thanks |
Tags |
rom help, roms, treo pro, treo pro roms |