OK - Now I have a small amount of experience with RDP on a Treo 800W -
First impression - Respone time is great, but I am connected to a wireless wifi network. I normally would just use my PC (either wired or wireless) to remote into servers. This 800W solution would be when I have no access to wired and need to use Sprint PCS to connect, or if I only have my phone at a wifi hotspot - which likely would be much slower. That is my to-do for the next couple of days - connect while on the road, and connect through an open (and unsecured) wifi. I will need to take care not to compromise any security issues on a customer server.
Second impression - good grief, that 800W screen is small. But navigating is fairly simple. I probably would never use the Full Screen mode (and only see about 1/6th of the remote computer/server. I would instead use thebottom right window that allows me to place the 800W screen anywhere on the desktop of the remote computer.
Now, to the followup questions. Sure I can look in server logs (especially in Win Server 200

, but how do I emulate the right mouse key? This is important for getting to the MMC (Microsoft management console), or to bring up Task Manager. I suppose I could create Icons for these functions on the servers, but it would be nice to emulate mouse-right-click from the 800W. Is there any site that can give you K/B equivalents of all the mouse functions, double key equivalents (like Ctrl+C or Windows Key+E) and special key functions (like PrtSc or the F keys)?
Looking forward to any responses.