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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 02:29 AM
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Re: Keypad issues

Originally Posted by dmc1068 View Post
Well I got it but now I am having issues with the extended battery. I know I read the same problems here before. I am looking to see if anyone found a fix or if I have to order another one, The screen keeps getting very dim but not shutting off and sometimes jumps back on. The battery low indicator comes on even though it's at full charge. After soft reset sometimes the screen is nothing other than a few verticle red dotted lines. This is before I installed anything. I did 2 hard resets. I finally put in the original battery and set it up a backed up. Put in the extended and same issues.
lol..don't take this the wrong way,
but u be having the strangest issues. stuff i haven't heard of before
but which model extended battery are you using? i used the 1300mAh seidio extended, with no issues. Now as for the screen going dim, u can try start/settings/system/backlight. now uncheck the top box on the battery power tab. and also uncheck the top box on the external power tab.
another thing u can do, is tap power on the bottom of the screen. tap the middle tap, and uncheck the top box here also. NOW, u have to remember to tap the red phone key(for this i suggest reading Danneman's reg edit thread in the 800 forum) to put it to sleep. i noticed as long as i had certain things unchecked, it would not go dim. Also, read around and you'll notice that, the battery dimming issue, is believed to be a hardware issue, therefore making it difficult to fix. so i just decided to keep my phone set this way. i got used to putting it asleep all the time, others felt the opposite way. HTH
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 12:11 PM
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Re: Keypad issues

Originally Posted by SkipJack View Post
Yes. Didn't solve it. It was a weird situation for lack of a better term, but they said whatever bug it had had affected the hardware (shrug) so they replaced it due to the warranty.
Well good thing you got it replace and i agree thats a weird situation.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 07:14 PM
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Re: Keypad issues

Yeah very odd. But ever since the replacement i haven't had any such problem.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 11:06 AM
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Re: Keypad issues

Originally Posted by skeegcpp View Post
lol..don't take this the wrong way,
but u be having the strangest issues. stuff i haven't heard of before
but which model extended battery are you using? i used the 1300mAh seidio extended, with no issues. Now as for the screen going dim, u can try start/settings/system/backlight. now uncheck the top box on the battery power tab. and also uncheck the top box on the external power tab.
another thing u can do, is tap power on the bottom of the screen. tap the middle tap, and uncheck the top box here also. NOW, u have to remember to tap the red phone key(for this i suggest reading Danneman's reg edit thread in the 800 forum) to put it to sleep. i noticed as long as i had certain things unchecked, it would not go dim. Also, read around and you'll notice that, the battery dimming issue, is believed to be a hardware issue, therefore making it difficult to fix. so i just decided to keep my phone set this way. i got used to putting it asleep all the time, others felt the opposite way. HTH
I have read these same issues on other forums. I thought they were nuts because I wasn't having these issues. It must be a hardware issue with certain 800s. I tried your settings and it didn't work. Looks like I'm badk to Sprint today to order another one. It is really a waste of time since I am going to order the Pre the day it comes out.
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