Re: Turn Treo 800w into an IPOD? Please help..
didnt the OP say IPOD? yet you want today screen icons? thatd be Iphone homie.. and aside from people tellin u spb shell and ulti launch, thats about alll the help youll get for turning a ppc into and apple product.. people dont really like Ipnone around here, and seem to be a little crass to those asking.. i personally dont care..
But since im stoned and in a good mood i throw in a few things i think will make you more "I-Like"
I personally dont like the icons for Ulti Launch(not that there not easy to change).. I use Elecontlauncher.. cost me 6.95.. but i like that you can set it to double tab so you never accidently open apps.. and set the amount of rows from 1 to autogrow(infinite) i have a ton of apps, so i use the 3 row option.. as this gives you the "cube' slide effect.. theres also about 5 size settings for the icons...
Also for your all out "I-experience"(IPOD) use S2P (slide2play) this basically the identical player in the ipnone itself.. i use this, cuz i like to see my cover art...
there ya go.. hope i helped