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Old 08-21-2008, 06:31 PM
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Smile SKY FIRE on Treo 800w if you dont already have it!

I’m sure people already have skyfire on their 800w. And I’m sure people signed up for the beta 2 version coming later this year. But if you don’t have Skyfire already and want to take advantage of the "Free Skyfire Download for Limited Time Simply sign up and when it asks for a promotion code enter “Michael8” and you will have access to the Skyfire download" Here are some useful pointers for my fellow 800w users.

This is just a post to help out any one who does NOT have sky fire but did create a profile for when Beta 2 is released and would like to use Beta in the mean time. This is important because of the new "Free Skyfire Download for Limited Time" is temporary and the user's e-mail and mobile number CAN NOT be used twice or under different e-mail accounts.

1. GO to skyfire.com and change your device number (I used my house phone). This allows you to disassociate your original e-mail account used for betta 2 sign up from your mobile number.

2. Sign up and use a new e-mail account and re-enter your mobile number (the same number you used for the beta 2 sign up) You will then be signed in and you will receive an sms message to create a pass word.

3. After you create your password you can download the cab via sms for Skyfire beta. Once you download/open file/sign in/ and your good to go.

Now for those of you who are still waiting to get beta 2 you will want to go back to skyfire.com on your pc or phone and log in under your new e-mail account and use your password. Go to the profile or account tab and change your mobile number back to another number (I just used my wife’s number since my mobile number and house number are currently connected to the 2 email accounts). Then log out and go to the and click on the Support tab. Type in your ORIGINAL e-mail used for your beta 2 sign up and re-enter your mobile number. All will be back to its original form so you receive confirmation via email, and sms when Beta 2 is ready and you will currently have access to skyfire beta through the "special code “Michael8” which will give new users access to Skyfire".

You might want to go back and sign in under your new regular beta account and change your number. I just changed it back from my wife's mobile to my house phone number. This is because you already have beta and are not concerned with being reached via sms except for when the beta 2 is out. Make sure your E-mail account used for the Beta 2 sign up matches your current mobile number so that when beta 2 comes out you can download vai sms. Enjoy!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2008, 06:41 PM
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Re: SKY FIRE on Treo 800w if you dont already have it!

Looks like you post that already right here.

No need to double post.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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