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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2008, 09:18 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

Originally Posted by samadam View Post
If I did the backup of my preferences (registry) and programs, isn't that just as likely to introduce the problem when I recover them on the clean phone? Exactly.
Do it in stages; this way, if you install something, you won't have to completely revert to the very begining.

I always keep one that has an install of bare essentails (just Resco Apps & Reg tweaks) & one that is a final compilation of a stable backup with it setup just like I want it.

It pays off & it beats going through:

a ton of effort for a little reward. Getting it just the way I like it would take days as well.
& senarios where:

It's probably a software issue, so new hardware wouldn't help. I could do a hard reset
In which you'll
take days
getting it back.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 12:39 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

Originally Posted by samadam View Post
Howdy. Every night I leave my Treo charging with its included charger. For the last two mornings, it hasn't wanted to wake up. I try to get it to wake up, but the screen won't turn on. When I press the start button I hear the normal click noise, and I think I may be able to navigate, but the screen refuses to turn on. I have had to take out the battery to get it to work, and work fine then it does. It is fully charged and everything.

What is going on?
Hey bro i have had this issue twice now since i have had the phone, Do you have the Screen saver enabled. mines is enabled and i think this has effect to this issue, i think if the phone is left to changed longer then it then needed (basically full and left on the changer for a couple of hours) will lock up the screen. I have had to soft reset it to wake it up. I will disable the screen saver and charge it over night to see what happens. I didn't have a problems when i would only charge it to 98%-full then take it off the charge, only when over night charging.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 05:30 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

I don't have the screensaver on (why would I, it's not a CRT in 1995) and the problem hasn't come back at all.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 07:01 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

I have the screen saver on and I like it. Its nice knowing the time and date without having to turn on my Treo. I can't wait till someone figures out how to modify the image I think there is potential there. I don't think the screen saver is what is causing your wake up issue or should I say it hasn't caused any issues for me.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 07:10 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

maybe u can help me. I'm having trouble syncing to my computer. when i connect the phone to the computer they both chime indicating that they see each other but the activesync doesnt start, when i open it manually.. nothing.... took it to the sprint store no change
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 08:52 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

well you shoudlnt get a refurbished phone because you've only had it for a few days. plus with the phone being so new highly doubt that there are any refurbished phones out there yet. if your phone doesn't want to wake up and is giving you a white screen I would just forget about the programs and work, you can get all of that back. but if you do wait too long and the problem persists then you definitely will get a refurbished phone. just my own thought process.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 11:10 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

Originally Posted by samadam View Post
I don't have the screensaver on (why would I, it's not a CRT in 1995) and the problem hasn't come back at all.
Ok so did u fix ur issue or did it fix itself?, please enlighten. The "why would I, it's not a CRT in 1995" I dont know what CRT monitors have anything to do w/ the option the phone has.

The Option is there on the phone and like "Big D5" said "I have the screen saver on and I like it. Its nice knowing the time and date without having to turn on my Treo." My comment was just to what you posted, i have only noticed it twice when i would leave the unit charging the entire night as oppose to just changing in the morning for a two hours or so. Im gonna disable the option and leave the unit on the charger the entire night and see if it will wake up in the morning when i take of the charger.....
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2008, 11:36 AM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

my wife's did the same thing twice. I had to soft-reset both times. Opera wasn't installed on the device. the screensaver was on... It hasn't happened in a week and a half though. dont know what changed...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 04:33 PM
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Re: 800w dead in the morning

I'm glad somebody brought this up. I was going nuts over this for the past few days. Twice I left my phone on over night, not charging. When I woke up it was dead. I plugged the charger & it wouldn't turn on. The little corner light started blinking each time I tried to power up. I had to wait 15 mins before I could finally turn it on. Never had that issue with the Centro or my 6700. Last saturday, I was out & about when the battery completely drained. When I got back to charge it, soon as I plugged it, the Palm screen came on & asked me if I wanted to erase all data (hard reset).

I have no opera of any kind, no screensaver, BT off, GPS off, beaming off.
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