Originally Posted by samadam
Howdy. Every night I leave my Treo charging with its included charger. For the last two mornings, it hasn't wanted to wake up. I try to get it to wake up, but the screen won't turn on. When I press the start button I hear the normal click noise, and I think I may be able to navigate, but the screen refuses to turn on. I have had to take out the battery to get it to work, and work fine then it does. It is fully charged and everything.
What is going on?
Hey bro i have had this issue twice now since i have had the phone, Do you have the Screen saver enabled. mines is enabled and i think this has effect to this issue, i think if the phone is left to changed longer then it then needed (basically full and left on the changer for a couple of hours) will lock up the screen. I have had to soft reset it to wake it up. I will disable the screen saver and charge it over night to see what happens. I didn't have a problems when i would only charge it to 98%-full then take it off the charge, only when over night charging.