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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2011, 07:14 PM
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problems tethering

Ok... I did a search and Ive read every post I could find. I've tried everything I can think of but I'm having some problems.

First...When I open the registry and navigate to InternetSharing, there is no extention- icshelper.dl. There is an extention with no value. I deleted it and it now says default. I did a soft reset after.

The PAM cab will not install. Ive tried on both the storage card and the device. Cab instalation was unsuccessful.

The original Internet sharing icon is on my phone.

I am connected to the pc but when I hit connect on my phone, the active sync disconnects.

I searched but i think I have multiple problems going on. Thanks for the help

Computer os is windows 7
Phone is sprint treo 800w
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2011, 04:30 AM
mcphearson's Avatar
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Re: problems tethering

The way I got it to work is:
1. Remove icshelper key.
2. Go to a site on the phone to enable data.
3. Without connecting the USB cable, open internet sharing, select USB under "PC connection", and press connect.
4. It should say something along the lines of "check cable connection" since the cable is not connected, so connect it now.
5. Windows will install something called "Remote NDIS Based Internet Sharing Device".
6. Enjoy tethering!

I have no idea what that PAM cab your talking about is, I'm tethering right now and don't have anything like that installed. It seems the important thing is to have a data connection active on the phone and pressing connect on internet sharing before connecting any cables to the phone. Otherwise you just get connected to activesync, which is NOT what you want.

Last edited by mcphearson; 01-24-2011 at 04:34 AM.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > General Windows Mobile Discussions > Legacy WM Devices > Palm Treo 800w

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