800w freeze on Palm logo. How to flash it from PC or from microSD?
I have Palm Treo 800w that freeze on palm logo.
Hard reset do not help.
When I hold "RECORD" and put battery i found support "Update system from USB". Windows detect new network adapter "Windows Mobile-based Device". How to flash it? I can not find flasher.
I have next firmwares:
1) FLASH.bin and loaders_CVT1_Zeppelin.nb0 from Verizon;
2) SMBRLAZ.elf, amss.mbn, oemsbl.elf and many small files from Sprint_FW118;
3) FLASH.bin and loaders_EVT1_Joplin.nb0 from unknown provider.
Or how to flash it from microSD?
Last edited by Dr_Wolodya; 12-07-2010 at 11:00 AM.