I'm working on my treo, allready bumped it from win moble 5.0 to verizon 6.1,(thanks Nightraven) i'm having a issue, and i have been searching for a answere for it.... i have internet, after 4 days of looking by getting #777 to work, my evdo is there but i think there is a issue that alltel junk is on the rom some where,

i'm using a 2nd party service that uses verizon,(unlimited talk and text and 20mb data for cheep...39.99) they told me i have to "get it flashed" for the sms and internet to work, i have been looking for a flash but don't know if it could be done

..... krapit can do it, but it don't work where i work at.... sprint, att, tmoble don't work well either but verizon works good.... so i need some help, i have hard set, soft set, did the roming capabilitys thing, did the provisioning, i edited the #*#DATA setting.... thanks to the members that listed it on a post

(i got dial up slow speeds so far) any information will be helpfull