Okay, I have skimmed this entire thread. I consider myself tech savy...but not necessarily Treo savy.
I attempted to install this on my Treo 700w last night. After installing the cab I used RESCO to copy over the 13 files, ensuring I got them all. After rebooting, I lost my signal bar and when I try to open the phone I get a "cprog" error. Now, having looked through this thread, my first assumption was oh, I must not be PRE-AKU2.3 so I deleted the 13 files. Phone came back, but messaging app was working correctly. I was not receiving the messages, the old program was. Now, after I finally figured out how to find out my AKU my build number is 14359.0.2.0 which means I have AKU 2.0 right? Why then did copying the 13 files I'm suppose to copy, give me the cprog error? I have restored my device from a backup and am holding off until I know what I did wrong. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: As you can see this is my first PPC post (I navigated here from TreoCentral). What's PPC Cash?
Joshua (Flash)
~~~~~~~~~ "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." ~Proverbs 3:5-6 |
Attempted again, exactly by the book. If I'm right, I'm on AKU 2.0 on my Treo 700w. I copied all the files (13) in all to /Windows. I acknowledged 12 errors. Soft reset...and now phone gives "cprog" error.
Please Help! |
Me again....so I'm trying to debug this issue. I went through and deleted all 13 files. Phone came up and I could enter the SMS app. However, new SMS was going to old place.
Found the POutlook.lnk in the \Windows\Startup folder and deleted it. I reset. Now I'm getting the SMS where it belongs. This program rocks. However, I still have the Text Messages and MMS accounts in Outlook...am I suppose to, and if not, how do I remove them? Thanks |
yes sorry no one has responded. I myself just got up. Navigate to HKLM/software/microsoft/inbox/svc rename sms to sms.old as far as the mms u wanna keep it if u send mms cuz threaded sms app doesn't function correctly as of now.
This will have me functioning like everyone else who does copy the files over? So far it works great! Seems very cool. Just confused why copying the files over on my Treo 700w generates the "cprog" error. Hannip asked if got the same thing from a fresh hard reset...I do. Without copying the 13 files I'm good, cept for the Text Message option still existing. I asked Hannip in the othe thread, do you think this has anything to do with me never doing the 1.10 Update from Palm a long time ago? Thanks for the help. I'll rename the Key now and see what happens. K....just changed key...restarting...looks good! Thanks! |
I'm happy with the way it's working for the most part. Did just find a quirk though and I'm sure it's related to me not copying over the files. From Search on the today screen - if I choose to send a text message it does nothing. From Contacts, if I choose to send a text message it goes to Outlook and generates an email to that mobile number. I'd guess this is because I couldn't copy over all the files. Any idea if I can copy a certain file from the group that might help without copying them all? I'm wondering if there is only 1 file that is causing the "cprog" error. EDIT: I'd be happy to copy over each file 1 at a time to see if I can determine what is causing the "cprog" error, but not knowing what the files are suppose to do, I figure this could cause more harm than help. Have any systematic suggestions? END EDIT: Either way, I can live with it the way it is....but I'd say I'm not fully intergrated this way. Thanks for the help. |
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