Originally Posted by Wideawake
yes sorry no one has responded. I myself just got up. Navigate to HKLM/software/microsoft/inbox/svc rename sms to sms.old as far as the mms u wanna keep it if u send mms cuz threaded sms app doesn't function correctly as of now.
So, just so I'm clear, without the 13 files copied over, all I need to do is rename the SMS key? This means I won't have an SMS key in that spot right?
This will have me functioning like everyone else who does copy the files over?
So far it works great! Seems very cool. Just confused why copying the files over on my Treo 700w generates the "cprog" error. Hannip asked if got the same thing from a fresh hard reset...I do.
Without copying the 13 files I'm good, cept for the Text Message option still existing.
I asked Hannip in the othe thread, do you think this has anything to do with me never doing the 1.10 Update from Palm a long time ago?
Thanks for the help. I'll rename the Key now and see what happens.
K....just changed key...restarting...looks good! Thanks!