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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 11:08 PM
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Ipod Touch and the Treo 700wx

Since we have the new update....could I buy the Ipod touch with WiFi and then get a WiFi SD card for my Treo....and then surf the net with the Ipod using the Sprint Network since I have the data plan?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 11:27 PM
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I don't think so...

It might be possible if you can put your WiFi card in Ad-Hoc mode on the Treo and if the iPodT supports Ad-Hoc networks...

Honestly you'd probably have to try it first. Wish the iPodT included Bluetooth... Might make it easier...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Bearxor View Post
I don't think so...

It might be possible if you can put your WiFi card in Ad-Hoc mode on the Treo and if the iPodT supports Ad-Hoc networks...

Honestly you'd probably have to try it first. Wish the iPodT included Bluetooth... Might make it easier...

It does include bluetooth

read up on engadget my friend.

sorry I can't post a link, on pie right now
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 07:21 AM
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Originally Posted by airibis View Post

It does include bluetooth

read up on engadget my friend.

sorry I can't post a link, on pie right now
No, it doesn't. You should read the Engadget updates

Update 2: Ah, sorry to bum y'all out, we just heard that Apple didn't actually include Bluetooth in the touch, meaning the screen shown above isn't entirely accurate. We'll let you know if we hear more.

Update 3: Two more bits: we heard from a pretty decent source that the touch internals are very similar to the iPhone internals, and that there is a Bluetooth chip in there -- it's just not activated. We'll all find out as soon as someone dismantles one of these little buggers, but whether or not that's actually the case, we took a peek at the touch's FCC filing, which went live yesterday. It only contains tests for WiFi, meaning if there IS Bluetooth in there, at very least they're going to have to get it cleared again by the FCC before flipping the switch.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 11:53 AM
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With no BT support it's just a glorified ipod. The days of being physically tethered to your device are long gone. And what is the expected battery life of the iTouch? 300-400 cycles like the iPhone?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Bearxor View Post
No, it doesn't. You should read the Engadget updates

Update 2: Ah, sorry to bum y'all out, we just heard that Apple didn't actually include Bluetooth in the touch, meaning the screen shown above isn't entirely accurate. We'll let you know if we hear more.

Update 3: Two more bits: we heard from a pretty decent source that the touch internals are very similar to the iPhone internals, and that there is a Bluetooth chip in there -- it's just not activated. We'll all find out as soon as someone dismantles one of these little buggers, but whether or not that's actually the case, we took a peek at the touch's FCC filing, which went live yesterday. It only contains tests for WiFi, meaning if there IS Bluetooth in there, at very least they're going to have to get it cleared again by the FCC before flipping the switch.

eep, sorry wasn't on engadget all day to read the updates.

that blows (they had me all excited)

I am sure they will go another route and put out some device for listening to music via bluetooth

they have them for the ipods
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 01:38 PM
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that would be pretty neat if it did come with bluetooth. i already preordered mine. i can't wait till i get it!!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2007, 02:50 PM
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I was excited about it too at first. It makes pefect sense and for Apple to leave it out is kind of odd. Possibly, the OS X kernel they're using could be a derivative of 10.4 and not support A2DP.

But there's hope, that third update says that there is a Bluetooth chip in there (Really, the BT and WiFi are probably one chip) and I suppose Apple could at a later date file an addendum with the FCC before releasing an update OR it could be hacked and turned on using files from the iPhone.

I don't hold out hope for Apple to activate it later - it seems awfully odd that they wouldn't include it in a FCC filing before release if they even had the intention to make it work.

I'll buy one though if I can stream live tv from my MCE machine over the Wifi and view it full-screen on the iPodT. It would definitely fill a niche that PPC makers have been ignoring for a couple of years now (In other words, give me back my PPC-6600 with EVDO and WM6 and keep the 3.5" screen!!!).
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