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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2006, 12:58 AM
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700WX Tips-n-Tricks (Read First!) (Update 1/2)

Internet Explorer:

Option + Left = Jumps to the top of the page
Option + Right = Jumps to the bottom of the page
Option + Up or Down = Page up/Page down (skips links!)
Option + Green Key (Send) = Jumps to Address Bar


Option + Shift = Search
Option + OK = Memory/Task Manager (to close apps)
Hold Down "OK" = Memory/Task Manager (to close apps)
Option + Win = Calendar
Option + Red Key (End) = Force "Keyguard Lock"
Option + P = Control Screen Brightness

Hold Down Enter Key (center D-Pad) = SubMenu popup
Green Key = Brings you back to Today screen/Minimizes Current App


D-Pad Left or Right
= Toggle between Inboxes (includ. Text/SMS)
Green Key = Dial Contact. If you have a email open or highlighted and hit the Green Key and that person is in your contacts, you can dial directly.

Quick SMS
If you type in a name on the today screen for lookup and you have the name you want highlighted, you can press and hold the center button of the dpad and a dialog box will pop up and say something along the lines of "Send text message to..."

Select it and it will automatically open messaging with a text message pre-addressed to that person.


Delete Call Log (from Phone/Green Key pop-up menu): Delete palmVol.vol under My Device (Root Directory)

Hide "Lookup Field" on Today Screen: Menu --> Preferences --> Hide Lookup Field (typing any letter on the Today screen will pop-up this Lookup field and Hide when you are done automatically)

Turn Off/On Phone Radio
: Hold Down Red Key till you see Sprint Logo

Up - D-Pad (during call)
: minimizes the In Call screen so you can access the Today screen and other functions


D-Pad Right = Increase Brightness
D-Pad Left = Decrease Brightness
D-Pad Up = 2x Zoom
D-Pad Down = Regular


(NEW!) 11/22
Q: How do I stop the Software Keyboard from popping up all the time when I do not need it? Can I disable it?

A: Yes, Please Read HERE

Toggle your KeyBoard LEDs (NEW!)
Read HERE!

Hide the BlueTooth, Location and Sprint Today Plugin (1st line on screen) (NEW!)
Read HERE!

Disable KB Lights while Screen is OFF (for streaming, WMP, etc)
NOTE: This Hack is now INCLUDED in PhoneAlarm 1.56+!


You'll see tons of folders, like BacklightOff, ColdReboot, On, etc.

In each folder, you'll find this:

kyl0 with a value of 4 or 0

4 = off
0 = on

This key \ScreenOff\kyl0 controls the KB lights behavior when the screen is turned off. Change it to 4, wait a couple of minutes including a power off, then reset.


Disable Camera Shutter Sound:


Under "String" it should say


Simply edit out this line and leave the string empty.

Exit the registry and do not soft reset for at least a couple of minutes to let the change write to ROM. No soft reset is needed for change to occur.
NEW: 1/2/07
Advanced Internet Explorer Tweak:
Pocket Internet Explorer one handed Navigation

(This is word-by-word from makrotonik at Treocentral.com. It's a very useful and nice tweak.)

I think i found a way to navigate web pages seamlessly with one hand in pocket internet explorer like blazer on the palm platform does.
Disclaimer: Always backup before making any changes to your registry.

**Note: This is only really useful if you use the 'one column' view in PIE, if you usually scroll horizontally you have to assign the page up/down keys to something other than right or left on the 5 way**

Anyway, here goes:

-First, close out of Pocket IE if you already have it open
-Then Using a wm5 registry editor (I used resco regedit): go to -
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
- Create a new key. Call it "KeyMaps" (without quotes)
- Under the newly created "KeyMaps" create a DWORD Value. Name it "37" and give it a DWORD data value of "1" (without quotes)
- Under the newly created "KeyMaps" create a DWORD Value. Name it "39" and give it a DWORD data value of "2" (without quotes)
the final result should like like this:

Now go back in PIE
The result is pretty simple
Left of the 5-way will page up
Right on the 5-way will page down (Works well only if you have menu>view->one column selected and you don't have to do any horizontal scrolling!)
you can still walk links as normal when you have them selected with up or down on the 5-way.

You can use pretty much any other button to page up or down. Simply replace the "39" and "37" in the instructions with the code for the key you want. The list of keys can be found on vijays site

Also, i dont know if it makes a difference, but i have PIE Plus installed, and i have not tested this on a regular installation of PIE.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2006, 01:23 PM
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While on a phone call, if you press up/down on the call status display it will minimize the call status to the today screen so you can access items on your today screen that may have been covered up.

Not sure if that's covered in the manual or not but it was one of my complaints about the Treo phone app. Found it accidentally tryimg to use the dpad to tur the volume down.

Also, I didn't see it in the main post and it's probably covered in the manual and old Treo guys will just tell me 'duh, everyone knows that' but us diehard PPC users it isn't as obvious, but Option+P is a shortcut to the screen backlight control.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2006, 11:02 AM
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yeah, I forgot that light one, it's obvious to a lot of us but there are many who miss it.

I'll add those to the OP
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2006, 09:10 AM
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I just read a review on the 750 and they mentioned that you could not send a text message from the today screen. I emailed them and asked if they tried but didn't see it in the post above so I wanted to make sure everyone knew about it.

If you type in a name on the today screen for lookup and you have the name you want highlighted, you can press and hold the center button of the dpad and a dialog box will pop up and say something along the lines of "Send text message to..."

Select it and it will automatically open messaging with a text message pre-addressed to that person.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2006, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Bearxor
I just read a review on the 750 and they mentioned that you could not send a text message from the today screen. I emailed them and asked if they tried but didn't see it in the post above so I wanted to make sure everyone knew about it.

If you type in a name on the today screen for lookup and you have the name you want highlighted, you can press and hold the center button of the dpad and a dialog box will pop up and say something along the lines of "Send text message to..."

Select it and it will automatically open messaging with a text message pre-addressed to that person.
I did not know that thanks for the info
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Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2006, 11:08 AM
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ok not sure if this was covered or not but i came accross this by accident almost...if you hold down the ok button it will bring up running programs which will allow you do stop all allot faster than going thru start/settings/system/memory/running programs...GOD I FRIGGIN LOVE THIS PHONE ALREADY!!! was this feature avail on the 6700 because i dont recall
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2006, 11:09 AM
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and to answer my own question...no this press and hold feature was not an option on the 6700
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2006, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Bearxor

If you type in a name on the today screen for lookup and you have the name you want highlighted, you can press and hold the center button of the dpad and a dialog box will pop up and say something along the lines of "Send text message to..."

Select it and it will automatically open messaging with a text message pre-addressed to that person.
that's a nice one! I added it to the OP.

Yay 4 Juggs, yeah that's been covered in the OP.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2006, 07:42 PM
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How about a tip to turn the LED Light on. One the 650 it blinked constantly. I need that back. Sometimes it gets lost in my purse and the light helps me find it.
I got my new Treo! I got my new 700wxTreo!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2006, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by MsTreoDiva
How about a tip to turn the LED Light on. One the 650 it blinked constantly. I need that back. Sometimes it gets lost in my purse and the light helps me find it.
I think that's not possible on the WX, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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