Originally Posted by ajk511
any idea if e-ten dialer will work on the 700?? also, Mal, have you figured out how to get rid of the search contacts and the sprint logo on the today screen?, my girl wants it gone from hers for some reason.
eTen: no b/c it's a completey different dialer. much better imo, not needing eTen. For those who are curious:
You can use your fatty fingers or just the keyboard directly. You can also assign Speed Dial to the letters: "B" for "Bob (m)", "V" for "Voicemail" etc. You just hold down the hardware key.
Getting rid of the Sprint Logo: Haven't figured that out yet. Probably a reg trick. Will look into it.
Getting rid of the Search Contacts: Yes
On the Today screen:
Menu --> Preferences --> Hide Lookup Field