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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 03:54 PM
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Greetings from Kentucky.... and some Treo700wx ramblings

Hello everyone, I'm new here so don't come down on me too hard if a few of my questions have been addressed before.

As I said in the subject, I live in south western Kentucky and I currently have a Treo 700wx with Bluegrass Cellular as my carrier. Since I've owned this pda for about 2 months now I've come up with some questions and was hoping someone on here would know about it...

1.) I was using pOutlook to check my gmail account when suddenly one day last week it stopped receiving new messages. I've checked the account settings on both the PDA and POP access for gmail. I'm thinking of just creating another email address somewhere and having my messages forward to it, unless someone knows what in the world is going on with gmail.

2.) Should calls interrupt my internet browsing? Because it doesn't, it just forwards the call to VM. I've seen a few posts on here that mention something about EVDO? I'm assuming that's the "high speed" internet connection available in larger cities. As I said, I live in KY and I doubt bluegrass cellular has anything of the sort. Regardless, all of my calls are routed to voicemail if I'm browsing or if it's checking for new email messages (every 15 mins, currently).

3.) Do I seriously have to restart the phone portion of the PDA so much? I'm guessing I've got a setting wrong somewhere, but I have to restart the phone on this thing SEVERAL times daily. It'll either get stuck trying to connection to "High Speed Data Connection" or simply refuse to make outbound phone calls (comes back with a "phone connection error" or something of the sort). Usually, a phone restart will fix the issue, but it won't be long before it needs restarting again.

4.) Is there any other mail client software I can use besides pOutlook? I'm envisioning something like "Portable Thunderbird", but I have yet to see anything online.

I suppose that's all I've got for now, thanks for reading and thanks in advance to anyone who responds.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 06:46 PM
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Welcome Smiley!

1) About your gmail not working, it may be a setting off somewhere. List your setting and we may be able to help you out and get that fixed.

2) If you don't have EVDO, your calls will go to voicemal and won't interrupt your browsing. Because your connection can only handle so much data at on time, that's why all your calls are going to voicemal. Does it say 1RT at the top of the screen in the middle? That means you're on the slow connection. With EVDO, which is broadband-like speed, your calls come through and your browser sets a sort of place-holder so you can go back to browsing at that same spot when you're done.

3) If you're having to restart several times a day, something may be wrong with your device. I'm not that tech saavy when it comes to software problems and the like, but I'm sure on of the more experienced members can put a finger on what's going on.

4) As far as another mail client on the WX....I'm clueless
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 06:52 PM
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1. May be add a new account with the same settings to see if will start working. Or go in and change a setting or two in the current account, then change them back.

2. Calls will interupt your data session if you are in a EVDO area. It is very easy to tell if you are, you will see a EV icon next to the signal meter. It sounds like you are in a 1X area as your calls go to VM. You may also want togo to Start > Settings > Personal > Phone > Data Settings > Uncheck "Do not allow a voice call to interrupt my data session".

3. This is not noraml at all. I would do a hard reset and run the device plain for a while to see if a program you were using may be causing your problem. Then slowly add your apps back in test them for a while. If you are having problems right after the hard reset take it back to Bluegrass to have them look at it.

4. Not sure aout this one. You may want to look through the software forum here. I use yahoo mail so I check through PIE or Opera, or lately using pOutlook using IMAP.
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