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View Poll Results: what service is better Verizon or Sprint??
sprint 26 89.66%
verizon 3 10.34%
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 06:56 PM
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Sprint vs. Verizon

I have Sprint now and they are making me upset. Is Verizon any better? Also since I tweaked my phone on Sprint can I use the same tweaks on Verizon??
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 07:51 PM
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First off, why is Sprint making you mad? And what tweaks have you put on your device?
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 08:03 PM
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I think Sprint is still suffering from some growing pains from the merger with Nextel so there are some CS problems but you cant beat there package prices. I have 2000 minutes, 5 lines of service, Power vision on all lines, free roaming, Pic mail on 2 lines and Insurance for $5 pre line, I pay $250/ month average. Not bad, I have been with Sprint for 10 years so some of that is grandfathered from my earlier plan but there are great deals available from Sprint
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by budney
First off, why is Sprint making you mad? And what tweaks have you put on your device?
The customer service at Sprint is awful to me. Of course I knew this before i tried I it out and said I could get over it but I can not. Reps are telling me different stories about the same issue and its not being resolved. Another issue, is that I want to exchange my phone for a 700p instead they want me to pay $700 upfront for a new phone and I am still within my first 30 days of service. There are telling it may take 3 weeks for me to get a new phone. I hate that I cannot call these people after 9pm. Not to mention the biggest of all, is that either after calls that i can actually place my phone I get messages like No service or digital Roaming. Sometimes it just drops a call when I am not even moving. I know that Verizion works well in my area by i haven't used them in over 5 years.

As far as tweaks;

I have KeyLight
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Big D5
I think Sprint is still suffering from some growing pains from the merger with Nextel so there are some CS problems but you cant beat there package prices. I have 2000 minutes, 5 lines of service, Power vision on all lines, free roaming, Pic mail on 2 lines and Insurance for $5 pre line, I pay $250/ month average. Not bad, I have been with Sprint for 10 years so some of that is grandfathered from my earlier plan but there are great deals available from Sprint
You have a great deal!! Its hard for me because if I can't use the phone in my area then th edeal doesn't really matter much to me because I would just be wasting my money. Its funny because my neighbors get excellent service from Sprint and I don't. We live right next door to each other.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 09:14 PM
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Dstinctive, The 700p has its share of problems, which caused many to switch to the 700wx. Either your 700wx is defective and/or where your place is and the way it's constructed is causing the RF problems. You may want to ask your neighbors to come over to see if they have the same problems with RF. With the billing and phone switching, it sounds like you have a spending limit on your account which is the reason they are asking you for the money up front. Have you tried going to a local Sprint corporate store to see if they can switch your phone out. Also you may want to put insurance on your phone (TEP). This will make things easier in the store. If this dosn't get resolved soon, and your neighbors don't have the same problems in your house. I would call Sprint and ask for retentions. See if they can switch your phone out and extend your trial so incase the new phone dosn't work you won't get nailed with the ETF. If they won't help then cancel your account and go to Verizon.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 09:41 PM
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this is so funny

because your trying to run away from sprint when I came back running tears to sprint. my 1st company was tmobile and they were a real great company but I had to leave them at that time because their plans weren't what I needed but they gave me an acct when nextels ass wanted 500 deposit pre merger in the 2000's.

moved on to sprint and was ok, though their billing issues was shitty and had me going crazy. now after a while I noticed hey nextel had free incoming and that's right b4 sprint acquired that plan and boom! disaster and crappy phone drops.

to speed this up, I have sprint issues also with the treowx far as reception unless I'm outside that's when my mail comes in. but who provides a great sero plan, a decent phone after you find a battery that work the way its supposed and a discount which makes no sense!

I learned to just deal with it cuz buddy its cheaper to keep her and if your really desperate pm me or email me at patrickrene @ port88.org and ill refer you to my own cust serv lady, peace.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2007, 11:59 PM
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9 year Sprint customer here........

2 lines for the last 2 1/2 years

2 major problems both solved without too much trouble

I went thru major hell activating my treo, becuse of my many perks and discounts (lost my free unlimited text messaging) Seems the store didn't have codes for most of my perks so they had to really alter my plan to check me out of the store, then I called the loyalty number to get some of them back my son's line still has unlimited text free, also I hacked for picture mail and that put $5 on my bill, so they offered me 10% off my bill for the next 24 months, plus my 25% off from my job, not too shabby........

I'm in New York City EV-DO everywhere, I rarely travel and when I do it's to another major city where coverage is great.

lost my phone once 4 years ago who ever found it called out of country a few times, racked up over $400 in charges, Sprint checked and saw I never call out of the USA, and killed that bill for me.

So over all in 9 years Sprint has been good to me, and I've never had a spending limit.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 12:12 AM
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As far as the 'tweaks' go, the only thing you may not be able to put on a VZW WX is PicMail, everything else should work fine.

Also, I think the VZW data plans are more expensive? Aren't they?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 12:33 AM
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Yes they are. But I would pay extra for good service if I had too, no matter who the carrier is.

Lucky for me Sprint has great plans & great prices and has an awesome network in my area.
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