Invalid Certificate for OTA Synch w/Exchange
I have a Sprint Treo 700wx that was successfully synchronizing with my Exchange server OTA for many months with a certificate from GoDaddy. Recently, I’ve had to renew the certificate utilizing the same exact information/name and now I get the infamous “Invalid Certificate†message, 0x80072F0D on my Treo when attempting to OTA synch. I have done mucho research and attempted the following from my findings:
• Exported cert. in DER x.509 format and copied to device and installed. The cert shows in the Root tab.
• Reinstalled the certificate on the server
• I can use OMA/OWA from my device
• Added the Valicert from GoDaddy
• Hard reset my device and rebuilt config, re-added the cert
• I have also tried to OTA sync with another domain that I manage with other functional devices (no-go)
Has anyone else renewed their cert. and had a fully functional OTA Treo 700wx to Exchange synch stop working due to an invalid certificate?