Microsoft selling Sprint 700wx WM6 Pro?
On Microsoft's WM site it shows a Sprint 700wx with WM6 Pro. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/devices/details.mspx?id=d497dfb7-e8d7-4088-8bbf-9047ab877833&backUrl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.microsoft.co m%2fwindowsmobile%2fen-us%2fdevices%2fsmartphones.mspx%3ff_carrier%3dSpri nt%26f_brand%3dPalm
So is this a mess up by MS due to the Verizon 700wx or things to come to a legacy device that is still sold? |
Re: Microsoft selling Sprint 700wx WM6 Pro?
Neither Sprint nor VZW sell the 700WX w/WM6 on board. They're produced w/ WM5. In fact, if you follow that link to Sprint's page, the 700WX is not even listed. As of yesterday, WME posted the following re: the EOL of the 700WX on VZW http://www.wmexperts.com/verizon_qui...treo_700w.html
Last edited by Geekcop; 09-28-2008 at 10:57 PM. |
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