isn't that the same as beaming a vCard? Only your a920 has you contact information in a separate location other than your contacts list so your own name doesn't show up in the contacts.
It's the same principle, but in two different storage locations. You have to still enter your information, right? |
I have my info inputted in the ower's information of the phone and figured there was a way to beam that. |
I tried looking around the wx again, in Settings>Connections>Beam and there are no options like that. and in Contacts... there's only an option to beam a selected contact (also if you didn't know... to BT send a contact, highlight it and select Beam and then wait when the beam screen pops up. your BT will search for nearby discoverable devices to send to over OBEX).
but on palm OS, there was something similar to what you're talking about. But there you also had to make a contact for yourself and designate it your ''Business Card''. Then you could just ''Beam Business Card'', saving maybe 3 screen taps to goto contacts, find your name, and beam that. |
Something like that PalmOS option is what I was really looking for, but I guess WM5 doesn't have it. Very odd. To me your own information seems like the most beamable item, I don't care for beaming other people's information for the most part as most of my contacts are personal ones. I appreciate the effort in trying to help. I'm somewhat new to the Treo, only had it for a week, but I'm throughly enjoying it. |
I stumbled upon BizBeam, which acually does what you're looking for. It was made by Two Peaks Software Solutions, unfortunately, they had been bought out on Oct 2006, by Iambic. The software is available, but it's supposed to have a 5 day trial period. I'm not sure if it stops working or what, but you can find their obsolete product downloads here...
http://www.iambic.com/download/windowsmobile/obsolete/ |
I'm currently playing around with BizBeam. If you want it on your todays screen, DO NOT set to display large icons. When I do this, I cannot see the app on the today screen. Otherwise, it seems to function fine. I'm waiting to see what happens after 5 days, when the trial expires.
No prob. It seems to work well so far, except for a screen I went through (I can't remember which one), but I think it was designed for a 320x240 screen. I'll install it on my iPaq H5555 and see how the screens differ.
Stupid me didn't realize it, but instead of waiting 5 days, why not just change the date on the clock, then run the app. Anyways, the app does render itself non functional after the trial period. I will contact the company that acquired TwoPeaks about maybe offering a serial number to use. Since it's a obsolete product and the company no longer exists, there should be a licensing issue.
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