Hmmm... what software do you have installed? Maybe you can look at a process list from MemMaid or some other utility to find out what's running.
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I'm runnning ilauncher, phonealarm , weather panel, other programs I have are pocket rar, google maps, and sbp back up. the deal is havent installed anything recently. I aslo click the notification button and it gives me 2 options messaging and notification, notification does nothing.
IIRC that's the multi-notification icon, meaning you have 2 notification pending. Like a voicemail and a calendar reminder. Don't quote me on it, but that's what I think it is.
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damn icon is driving me crazy, now it appears after I receive a txt mssg. firs appears the envelope, after I read the mssg the weird icon appears, at least now it goes away by clicking the icon. I guess I'm going to do a restore. thanks for all ur suggestions.
yeah, I have memmaid and erase all notifications before the restore and still the same problem. good thing I did a backup last week, so wx is in good shape. lesson learn? I have to do regular backups, specially when everything is working perfect. we never know when these things will mess up.