Thanks goes to Z for the updated TreoLedv1.2 Many Thanks to hannip taking time out of his very busy work schudule to get TA 7.2 back online. What is TREO ALERT, The first WM Treo app to offer the led blink colors as well XCAST WEATHER , VOICE ALERT REMINDERS FOR-missed calls,sms,email, voice mail.This is the first app that gives you voice caller ID reminder that tell you the last phone# that has called you. 1)New Carrier plugin Pending layout.All pending counts can be seen.No need for Hidelogo or added today plugin. Vmail Mcall=1 SMS=1 Email=1 2)Xcast settings added in config menu to control your update refresh 3)Updated led eVC write 4)Updated TreoLedv1.2...Thanks Z 5) For the 700 series New led colors when Treo is charging. Solid RED when battery is below 50% Solid ORANGE when battery is above 50% Solid GREEN when battery fully charged ================================ Led Alert pending Colors Miss call = RED BLINK More then one Miss call = RED BLINK FAST SMS/Email = ORANGE BLINK Voice mail = GREEN BLINK FAST This App is built for the Treo 700 wx/w..750 Like all software 3rd party apps don't always get along with each either. If you come across such difficulty a softrest works much of the time.If that doesn't do the job hard reset may be needed....hmmm If that fails TA should not be on your treo. Enjoy Hannip Sling hmm were is Codyppc..Oh yes.He is in 6800 land.No worries he will be back to his WX soon |
my first one
This is my first one to install. I know it will be great!
DID YOU SEE A TUTORIAL ONLINE OR MAKE ONE YOURSELF? IF SO, SHARE IT HERE AT PPCGEEKS! ![]() If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change ~Michael Jackson |
The 7.2 /Treo alert no longer uses it,s own plugin anymore.It only uses carrier plugin displaying all pending alerts with none being blocked.In order to turn on BT you would have to tap BT Carrier plugin Icon as normal.
The 7.2 does offer you much more then the 6.2 f,sure 1)More led blink colors/much brighter 2)Much better batt life 3)Much better performance 4)Better sounds 5)Display rotation 6)Config menu 7)Email voice alert ![]() 9)LED charger color below 50% Red Above 50% Orange 100% green 10)Xcast config menu It offers alot more.Give it a download and you will see. |
i got it
I have it and I really don't understand some of it. I did get the led lights, vm-em, etc... icons, & weather but I can't figure out how to turn on the voice alerts. Anyone....
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Tap icon to take you to main menu
Choose alert settings . The Alert Settings menu will display, (4): All Reminder & Vibe & Led (3): Reminder & Vibe & Led (2): Reminder & Vibe (1): Led Alert (D): Disabled Choose an alert setting above and press ok. You will then hear your setting become active. |
I will give it a try...I can do away with hide logo but I would still like my bluetooth icon to be present for quicker enabling. Seems like I remember a date script that places the date over the carrier name but leaves the b/t icon.
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