Antenna Screw - Back of 700wx
Ok so today I decided to charge my spare battery and when I flipped my 700wx around I noticed that the screw hole directly under the antenna, very small, now shows what it looks to be a red sticket that says Palm.
I'm like WTF, don't really remember that being there... pretty sure that wasn't there before. So what was there and why is it gone? Can anyone look at the back of their Sprint 700wx and check for me? Thanks!
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Pibe, yeah it can get knocked off. It won't seat properly unless it's perfectly in line with the cutout. So if it got twisted around for some reason there would be a lip that hangs off, and the tacky rubber could have gotten caught on almost anything, and, bye bye lil piece of rubber.
I guess that's what happened... I assume the red Palm sticker is there to confirm that the antenna hasn't been tampered with for warranty purposes.
Thats exactly it. I got the low profile antenna from and destroyed my little Palm sticker when removing it. That little rubber piece sticks in there fairly firmly, but I've lost similar pieces on other phones in the past. Its worth an email to Palm to see if they'd send you a replacement for free... though I wouldn't hold my breath.