if you're using the threaded at you can do more than 160 it just gets truncated on the other end and sends multiple texts...its not advisable as not everyone has unlimited text messaging as an option. Text courtesy is a real important factor when texting verizon customers who dont even get an option for unlim text for outsiders like us.
There's known hack to fo this. The only way to do this is to install the Palm SMS Thread application. However, at the request of Palm, we do not support the development and/or distribution of it.
I'd recommend going over to TreoCentral since I've seen posts of users offering it. Besides that, no other known ways to increase this limit... or at least that I know of.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1 --- Don't forget to Search first! |
If you're sending that long of a text, Y not just send them an email? Then text them to let them know you sent a long message via their email address.
When I was with Verizon before, I never knew about the limitation, since my Razr sent the whole message, but the receiver would get it, but split between 2 messages. |