Re: 700wx custom rom
Also, on boot, the device attempts to flash from the sd card, as long as it attempts to boot, it seems like it can be flashed back to the stock sprint update. |
Re: 700wx custom rom
I may be missing a crucial point here, but why is WM6 always mentioned? Wouldn't it be easier (at least to start with) to take the current ROM and add/subtract, and cook a custom version, and when that works, try for the WM6?
(as you can probably tell I am not even close to being a programmer, so please excuse what may be a pretty naive sounding question!!) |
Re: 700wx custom rom
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=384071 Who is right..? What is the reason there is no ROM stuff for 700wx while there is some ROM stuff for 750? because of GSM? because of WM6?? because it "looks" better. ? I don't understand why all the people fall for the hype of centro, its nearly the same Palm OS as the 700p/755p
New (Convert your 700p into 755p)
Creator of Treo 700p CDMA ESN&PRL repair without Bitpim/QPST/checksums. Only USB cable needed (Tested on 650/755p successfully by others), Rewritten by Kshah (Shadowmite's serial cable becomes obsolete..) Also progress by beezlewaxin with 600/Centro Looking for bricked/stuck in bootloader Treo CDMA 700p/700w/700wx/755p/Centro for research, to create solutions for ie: using WM6 on 700p or vice versa, un/debricking. (no PM pls) |
Re: 700wx custom rom
It doesn't matter who makes it, start a new thread if it matters so much. Let's focus on the ROM. The only palm WM6 model is the 750... is it possible to start with a custom ROM for another device and change the screen settings? Or are the drivers for different devices really that different. Perhaps using a base generic WM6, then taking the drivers off of a stock 700wx WM5 ROM?
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Re: 700wx custom rom
will do coz, and i downloaded it onto my desktop, but i'll see if i can also flash it to his wx as soon as i get another usb cable for him. then the good times will roll.
“If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop- |
Re: 700wx custom rom
Re: 700wx custom rom
Re: 700wx custom rom
Never mind. I tried the SD card in use in my Panasonic digital camera in the 700wx and it worked. Then I put the original card in the camera and it formatted the card automatically. Then it worked in the 700wx. Go figure.
Re: 700wx custom rom
OK...unbelievably enough I just won a 700WX on ebay for $10!!!!
It is Sprint, but I think it should do nicely for testing this procedure, so I should be able to try this out soon!!!! I already paid, and as long as it works as promised (there is a time-frame to return) I should be good to go!!!! Besides....what is the worst that could happen......I'm out ten bucks.....LOL!!!!! edit: Wouldn't you know it (I knew I should have waited to post this)....as soon as I posted this, I checked my mail, and there was a note from the seller: "I tried to delete the auction before it closed. Cell phone was broken during our apartment move to our other apartment. Please let me know how to refund/return your payment. My sincere apologizes. I did cancel the auction, though." I think he forgot to set a minimum bid value and is reniging on the sale. I am thinking of writing back and telling him I will take it anyway for parts and battery (I can always use an extra), and the case he was selling with it. Call his bluff. (I am a bit peeved....too coincidental, I am sure he didn't break this in the last minute, and not get the note to me until AFTER I paid!!!! Sorry about the rant, off subject I know!! Last edited by syrguy1969; 04-22-2008 at 10:42 PM. |
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