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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2007, 09:36 AM
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SD Card Mystery

Hello I have a very perplexing situation on my hand. I have a 4GB SD card by transcend. Recently, don't ask me what happened but everything disappered (music, pics, programs) besides a few items (some cabs I had saved, my microsoft documents). The ironic thing is that with all of these items gone my memory on my SD card did not return. When I tried to re-install some programs I would get a prompt saying that it would overwrite the current program. Remember nothing was showing up. I tried this with my music but I didn't get the same prompt. I just want my memory back. I am lost and I have no idea of what to do. Please help me with any thoughts and ideas you may have. Thank you.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2007, 09:58 AM
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when that happens to me the first thing that comes 2 mind is format the card from your computer that will give you all your memory back but im not sure if u want to completely loose all your stuff maybe you have your memory card files set to hidden thats always a possbility. show unhidden files on your computer and see if that works
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2007, 11:38 AM
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Lacussumok thanks for the help. I would rather re-install everything and have my memory back then not have anything at all. When I showed all files on my SD card there were like three files that showed up but I have no idea what they are or what they do. I guess I will just leave them alone since they don't take up that much space anyway. Once again thanks.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2007, 12:57 PM
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I had the same thing happen to a 2GB card a couple weeks ago. Thank goodness it wasn't my primary app card, it was my media card, I did the PC format thing, and it is running smoothly now.....no idea what does it, but I think a good thing for you to do is to backup your SD card (I have a copy on my PC (dragging all files from card to a folder on the PC), and a SPB Backup file of my card (I keep one on my PC and PC)), that way, if it goes haywire on you again, then you can copy the card again without having to reinstall everything.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2007, 11:03 AM
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syrguy1969 Thanks for the tip. I will try and do that as well. I have SBP backup so I should just use an custom backup (never tried that one before) and backup what is on my SD card. Secondly, I never thought just to have one card for a media card. That is a great idea thanks for that tip too. I just put everything on one because I had a 4gb card but my media always took up a lot of space.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2007, 08:49 PM
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Tell me about it. Usually any video clips or MP3s I have on my device are not things I use every day, so I keep them on a card of their own, and pop it in when it is 'movie or music' time!!! I hope the backup helps.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2007, 10:56 PM
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You know I just really hate when files dissappear. Such a shame, I just simply hate it. Since my simple mind tends to go out of the box pretty often, I will have to mention a out of the box experience I had once upon a time Now what I say has no bearing other than an experience I had. See I use to not pay attention to a whole lot when it come to music and video files. Odd thing is, they can be nasty little buggers. See somehow, in my unwillingness to have caution, I use to not think twice about pulling music from one computer to another via a flash drive. Welp somehow I managed to get a nasty little virus transfered from my friends computer to mine via the flash drive. Weird thing is my antivirus caught it immediately but it managed to get right by it and I never knew until my hard drive dissappeared so to speak. I know I'm long winded but hey I'm bored Anyway I knew it had to be the flash drive files I transfered so I went back to his computer to view the contents of the flash drive. Hmmm oddly enough half of those were gone to and it showed drive space used. Ha, bet you see where I went with this on.

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Last edited by lllboredlll; 12-08-2007 at 04:31 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2007, 04:16 PM
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hey i got this lexar 4gig sd card and when i put it in my phone it says not installed how do i get my phone to recognize the card is in there ???
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2007, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by cballin22 View Post
hey i got this lexar 4gig sd card and when i put it in my phone it says not installed how do i get my phone to recognize the card is in there ???

Pretty sure you have to have it formatted first
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2007, 04:52 PM
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Is it by any chance an sdsh card? You may need this CAB:
Attached Files
File Type: zip sdsh cab.zip (31.7 KB, 21 views) Click for barcode!
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