Re: Email options and battery life.
Under your settings in mail2web on the site, setup an SMTP Proxy so that your outgoing email address is Gmail (or whatever email you want). Imap is more effeicient than Pop3. Exchange is more effecient than IMAP. There is about 3% battery consumption per hour with Exchange email using Push, which is a lot better than using an auto-fetch (every X mins). Furthermore, skip Agile messenger and go with Verichat which uses and SMS relay to keep you online vs. the "always on connection" of Agile. This will also save battery life. Agile consumes a lot of battery power if left on all day. |
Thanks Malatesta, I was unaware of the SMTP proxy service that comes along with the upgraded mail2web account, that made the decision an easy one. I've taken to not bothering with IM for the time being and have push email going; a world of difference in battery life. I'm quite a bit happier with my shiny new Treo now.
![]() -Ghaleon |
yahoo Mail Plus
If I have Yahoo! Mail Plus setup on my 700wx, if I hit "Send/Receive", is it going to try and download everything I have up on the yahoo server into the Treo?
And if it does download it, after the download is done, is it going to delete everything I have up on the server when the download is complete? Let me explain my concern. I used to use Outlook Express a lot on my desktop (not anymore). In OE, once I set it up, it would pull in all the mail I had on the Yahoo server. In OE there is an option as to whether or not to delete the mail from the server after it is dumped inot OE. If you don't change this option to "don't delete" it will wipe out what is up on the server (did it once by accident). ------- more info for those who have the patience ------- In my new 700wx, after putting in the Real Picture patch and while in goofing around, I seemed to have setup a Yahoo! Mail Plus acount (which is great, what I wanted to do anyway, but I don't know exactly how I did it). This is a POP3 account. I can't find any option that guarantees it won't try to dump ALL of my mail account into the phone if I hit Send/Receive, and I can't find anything that guarantees it won't delete it off the server afterward. I do see under the Options something that allows me to "Only display messages from the last X days", and an option for "Get message headers only". Here is what I really want. I want the ability to send and receive only New messages, and I want them to stay up on the server. Due to concerns about messing up my yahoo plus mail account (since I have years of stuff on it), I'm thinking of setting up my new Sprint email account instead. By the way, on my axim, with wifi, I had Yahoo!Go installed for a while, which was kind of interesting and seemed very useful, but it was doing things I didn't understand so I killed it until further notice. Perhaps I should have started a new thread, but my question didn't seem worthy, so sorry for hijacking this one. |
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