Mine does, I usually leave EVDO connection open for emails and I know is syncs a few times a day. If the battery is giving you issues, the expanded batteries only cost about $40.
I charge mine every night regardless. Since some days I use it more then others I never want to be stranded with a dead battery because I forgot to charge it the night before.
"We must all fear evil men, but there is an evil we must fear most. And that is the indifference of good men." ~ The Boondock Saints.
I have 3 charger cradles: 1 bedroom, 1 desk, 1 school/office
I also have a Seidio 2200 battery (they have 2400 now) which I highly recommend as it doesn't change the size of the device. Also, managing and keeping your backlight at midlevel or lower when inside (via PhoneAlarm profiles) helps too. The screen/brightness is a huge killer. |
Out of curiosity... where did you buy the Seidio battery? I know TC and Treonauta have it, but don't know anyone who's purchased through them.
http://www.seidioonline.com/index.as...ROD&ProdID=260 |
i keep my backlight at 2 "clicks" above off and make sure that all running programs are ended before i put it down for an extended amount of time.
My Treo and battery are still new (10-25-06) and I'm getting 24-30 hours on a charge. The way you treat your battery in the beginning of its life is also crucial in how it will act in the future. It must be cycled a few times (FULLLLLLL charge and complete discharge) before it will start performing the way it should. When I first got my PPC-6700 the battery lasted me 5 hours. After I cycled it about 5 times it started lasting around 16-20 (which is awesome for the OEM 6700 battery that has, what 1200 mAh?) |
This is from the Treo users guide
Charge your smart device whenever you?re at your desk, or charge it overnight each day. The battery in your smart device has a much longer useful life when it is topped off frequently, versus charging it after it is fully drained
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”
Robert Kennedy Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time. |