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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 03:51 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by syanni85 View Post
...WebOS will be here for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time...
What makes you think this? Palms stock is falling, market share and mind share for the Pre are proving to be dismal. Despite the awesome OS, if Palm doesn't figure something out, it won't be around for long. I think the iPhone is the only phone that is going to reign in so much success with a proprietary device. Palm needs to release Web OS to whoever wants to build a phone for it, then perhaps mind/market share will increase. Otherwise it's going to get stomped by Apple, RIM, WM, and especially Android.
  #72 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2009, 04:46 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

nah there are to many diehard palm fans.. that will keep the company afloat..

but i do see your point.. im sure palm some things up their sleeves...if not oh well.. all we need is flash.. and mybe be able to record vid with the cam.. otherwise im happy with what i have atm...
  #73 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 02:31 AM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
What makes you think this? Palms stock is falling, market share and mind share for the Pre are proving to be dismal. Despite the awesome OS, if Palm doesn't figure something out, it won't be around for long. I think the iPhone is the only phone that is going to reign in so much success with a proprietary device. Palm needs to release Web OS to whoever wants to build a phone for it, then perhaps mind/market share will increase. Otherwise it's going to get stomped by Apple, RIM, WM, and especially Android.
the Pre is exactly that.. a PRE-phone for WebOS... the pixi is to get low-end users. but i'm sure we will see a WebOS device with ATLEAST 800mhz, maybe even a Ghz processor in 2010... I'm excite to see the performance of the device with such a "brain" behind it. The iphone's interface is very smooth and quick, but not nearly as "usable" as WebOS. More processing power will only allow better games and such for the iphone, but the multitasking capabilities will reach sky-high with more power.

IMO WebOS was built with future processors in mind and with how fast the phone is progressing (apps, patches and updates) and snapdragons and such right around the corner, palm timed things very well.

Honestly, Apple really needs to finally change up the iphones interface a bit if they wish to stay on top.

and blackberry gets boring faster than any other phone i've had. They have slow progress.

Please don't tell me winmo is gunna beat anything lol... winmo7 better wow me.

I don't mind android, but it just isn't as fluid and usable as WebOS. But 2.0 looks a lil more promising. Just wait til WebOS 2.0...

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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 11:50 AM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

well put my friend.. Right now i cant think of any phone that ive had so much pleasure using...The pre has been like perfect..to me.. everything gets done quickly without any hesitation.everything just works and its only gonna get better with more updates etc...now who can say that bout the phone they are currently using?
  #75 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 01:15 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
now who can say that bout the phone they are currently using?
  #76 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

I currently have a Touch Pro and considering an upgrade. The Hero looks interesting, but I'm reading of some people having issues with dust under the screen, the interface still being a bit sluggish and unpolished, the music player pretty crappy/basic, etc. The Pre is looking better at this point. A few questions if you could please share with me:

1. Can you sync email with Window Live (Hotmail)?
2. Can you read attached docs on your emails such as PDFs or Word/Excel?
3. How is the music player? nice, intuitive? can it handle a big music library? I just loaded about 8 Gb of music on my TP SD Card and now the phone is miserably slow. I want my next phone to also be my main music player, so it's an important issue for me.

Thanks for your help!
  #77 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 02:44 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

^i am in the same boat as you. I trying to decide between the hero the pre i am leaning to the pre but i want to know more.
  #78 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 09:17 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by cuellarm View Post
I currently have a Touch Pro and considering an upgrade. The Hero looks interesting, but I'm reading of some people having issues with dust under the screen, the interface still being a bit sluggish and unpolished, the music player pretty crappy/basic, etc. The Pre is looking better at this point. A few questions if you could please share with me:

1. Can you sync email with Window Live (Hotmail)?
2. Can you read attached docs on your emails such as PDFs or Word/Excel?
3. How is the music player? nice, intuitive? can it handle a big music library? I just loaded about 8 Gb of music on my TP SD Card and now the phone is miserably slow. I want my next phone to also be my main music player, so it's an important issue for me.

Thanks for your help!
1. Yes
2. Yes, editing these documents to come later though
3. The stock music player is kinda lame, but there is a homebrew music player that is FREE that takes the stock music player and makes it great!
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 11:20 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by NinjaMom View Post
3. The stock music player is kinda lame, but there is a homebrew music player that is FREE that takes the stock music player and makes it great!
NinjaMom is absolutely correct. MusicPlayer Remix is pretty cool IMO.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 06:22 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

can the pre do mms?
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