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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

This is my copy-paste from precentral.net

I wonder how I lived with it for 2 weeks.
Its the worst phone I have ever used (apart from Touch)

It consumes 2% of battery every 15 minutes = 12.5 hours of standby time. If I try using it, it will run out of juice in 4 hours.
I was on a trip from MKE to LGA and I needed this phone to last atleast 8 hours...but it didnt. 1 hour of browsing internet and 30 minutes phone call...guess what..it dropped to 50%..

The screen started wiggling on day 3. its very annoying as I am used to high quality builds.

On my trip to NY, I decided to ditch this phone the moment I get home. Now I have touch pro 2, the best phone only next to touch hd2 and toshiba tg 01.
Its fast, its battery lasts atleast 1.5 days with moderate usage, it can multi task for real, copy paste works, I have tonns of free aps. I loaded it with Tom Tom and IGo8 just for fun.. try that with PRE..

Win MO crashes on people who dont know how to use it..Its sluggish for people who cannot install custom roms...its battey sucks when people open tonns of apps and forget to close them..
Win Mo is for smart people..intelligent people..successful people..
  #42 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 08:29 AM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by cyberbrutus View Post
Win Mo is for smart people..intelligent people..successful people..


You had some decent points until you went fanboy.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Agreed. Most people in this thread had WinMo. I not only had a TP and a Diamond, but I still have my Diamond. At least we can see since you copied it from PreCentral that your time is being well used spreading negativity to all corners of the net. At least your adding a lot to the site with your 5 posts. All of which I am sure are just models of your helpfullness.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by Machinehead View Post

You had some decent points until you went fanboy.

agreed lol
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

good lord was it national idiot day yest?

come on man.. Have said this a million times..

If u dont have anything nice to say... stfu!!!!!

really..i think most people who argue like that are either mad cause we like our pre so much.. or really just being a ***..lol so u had a badd exp with the pre and u got a tp2. good for u.. im so sick of reading how this is better or that is better...dude we dont care.. we like our pre.. and u like ur tp2... enough said..lol
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Getting back on topic.... (sheesh)

I didn't hold a Pre but I saw a demo of it in use versus Android and I don't know why but SenseUI sold the Hero to me in a comparison of the two phones. I'm not liking how you have to touch the bottom bar of the phone for gestures instead of the screen. That said there is ONE app that I use for Windows Mobile so I'm sticking with the Diamond for now and just waiting for the HD2.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
Getting back on topic.... (sheesh)

I didn't hold a Pre but I saw a demo of it in use versus Android and I don't know why but SenseUI sold the Hero to me in a comparison of the two phones. I'm not liking how you have to touch the bottom bar of the phone for gestures instead of the screen. That said there is ONE app that I use for Windows Mobile so I'm sticking with the Diamond for now and just waiting for the HD2.
what is that one app thats keeping you with windows mobile?
  #48 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

I'd rather not say because it is kind of a personal app and I don't like giving away my full identity to people I don't know 100% on the Internet.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 01:09 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

lol its not wvd is it..i know my brother uses that all the time for pron....j/k
  #50 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: is the pre worth it?

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
Getting back on topic.... (sheesh)

I didn't hold a Pre but I saw a demo of it in use versus Android and I don't know why but SenseUI sold the Hero to me in a comparison of the two phones. I'm not liking how you have to touch the bottom bar of the phone for gestures instead of the screen. That said there is ONE app that I use for Windows Mobile so I'm sticking with the Diamond for now and just waiting for the HD2.
Sense UI is cool cuz you don't have it lol... i had it for a week and hated it. I suppose it would be ok for someone who uses the twitter and social networking widget, but i don't, and without that, sense ui sucks. It takes a long time to boot (unlike the pre: when you see the UI bootup, its 100% ready and speedy).
Also, the screen is junk, out of sync with the OS (mistap links, mistap a link while trying to scroll). SenseUI lags when you get out of a phone call or going back from an app. With the Hero (and any other phone but the pre for that matter) you have to be patient with. In a sense, you have to "find a rhythm" when using an HTC device. With the pre, i can be really quick, from item to item, app to app, new card to new card. Sure if you are really trying to push the pre to its limits, it will start to choke like any device, but it rarely happens with my pre.

for example, my gf told me she wanted play one of the games on my pre, so i open the launcher to my games page, tap a game, gesture up to put it in a card, gesture up to launch the launcher and tap another game, then gesture up twice and repeat. Within a matter of SECONDS, i had 6 games opened up in cards, handed the phone over and said "make your pick, or just go down the row and play em all. They're ready to go"

anyways, time to stop rambling.

Verdict: Hero was a bust. Sorry sprint.

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would do the trick!
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