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Old 09-30-2009, 11:42 PM
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Exclamation SMS App won't launch?

Is anyone having this problem after updating to WebOS 1.2? I haven't received any test sms messages sent from others phones and when I tap on the SMS App it illuminates to show that I've tapped it but never launches.

I have tried Sprint's "Advanced Technical Support" and all they could think of was a hard reset. Well, after backing up all my pictures I ran a hard reset. The SMS App still won't work.

Can anyone offer some insight or suggestions beyond a hard reset?
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Old 10-01-2009, 02:03 AM
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Re: SMS App won't launch?

I had that same issue, but before the 1.2 update, my issue was that I had a bunch of tweaks installed and a bunch of themes, them wiped everything before uninstalling them, and couldn't open my text messaging app either, unfortunately web os doctor will be your best option, if not your local sprint repair store will be the next best bet, because they'll have to go in and remove code, from the tweaks and such, but other than that I have no quick fix for you unfortunately, hope you get it fixed soon
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Old 10-01-2009, 11:27 AM
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Re: SMS App won't launch?

Originally Posted by bowlofcole View Post
Is anyone having this problem after updating to WebOS 1.2? I haven't received any test sms messages sent from others phones and when I tap on the SMS App it illuminates to show that I've tapped it but never launches.

I have tried Sprint's "Advanced Technical Support" and all they could think of was a hard reset. Well, after backing up all my pictures I ran a hard reset. The SMS App still won't work.

Can anyone offer some insight or suggestions beyond a hard reset?
When you say a hard reset are you meaning that you ran WebOS doctor? Give us a bit more info please. Did you remove any tweaks you had made using WebOS Quick Install or via rooting before upgrading to 1.2?

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2009, 09:02 PM
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Re: SMS App won't launch?

Hi...I have had a huge problem as well. Now, I can open my SMS text messages, BUT they are NOT in the "conversations" thread. For example, if I hear a beep that I have a text and simply swipe it off the screen to read it later, when I go to the main SMS log, it has disappeared. BUT, if I know it came from a certain name, I can type that name in the search part of the SMS window and it finds the entire text chat log. It is DRIVING ME BONKERS. Sometimes I just hear the "beep" that I have a text and dont even get the notification....it's just not there. Any suggestions?
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