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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2009, 03:27 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

Stupid question - does the fact that after log-in on sprint.com it is offering me an upgrade to Pre mean anything about activating of the thing on SERO? I seem to remember not seeing Pre in the available options when I last checked a few weeks ago. Or am I just dreaming?
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

Originally Posted by dman View Post
Stupid question - does the fact that after log-in on sprint.com it is offering me an upgrade to Pre mean anything about activating of the thing on SERO? I seem to remember not seeing Pre in the available options when I last checked a few weeks ago. Or am I just dreaming?
its probably just a general ad, last i heard Pre is still on the series of Everything plans
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
... WinMo which is built for likely a hundred devices all with varying screen size, keypad configurations, touch screen vs non-touch screen, etc. Makes frequent updating on the behalf of Microsoft rather difficult.

Which is why Microsoft (not just WinMo) is villified. Microsoft is the hoe that device makers' pass around. Think about it. "Hoes are for everybody." lol ... the chastity of the few "closed" mobile OS's prevent the volatile instability seen in WinMo devices. If only children were proactively raised this way .

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 12:34 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

hmmm. acer, you really were kind of insulting in your reply to the guy. For someone you admit to agreeing with alot. Whatever, anyway, I dimmed my Pre down somewhat, still bright, down less than halfway on the slider, and battery life became decent. I do use 2 Touchstones, one at home and one at work, so not as much of an issue, but its better. I had a Mogul, Touch, Diamond, TP, Instinct, and now the Pre. Pre is the only one that is good at ALL the things i want to do with it, its a good phone, and a good (well, fairly good) media player, GREAT web device, etc. For me the Mogul, Diamond, Touch and TP were good PDAs but lousy phones. The instinct was a good phone (well, it was loud and visual voice mail was good, dialer sucked-over the air contact sync was sweet) but a fairly useless device outside of playing music. I really like the pre for all these things, and love it for the seamless AIM/text convos you can have. Well integrated, I would say. Plus what I don't care for is easily solved by software, the hardware is gtg with the exception of the wobbly front slider, which i learned to live with after getting a 2nd phone and having it do the same thing.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 01:39 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

Originally Posted by davedsone View Post
hmmm. acer, you really were kind of insulting in your reply to the guy. For someone you admit to agreeing with alot.
Some would call it being direct and honest. Anyway, I agree with some of the things he says as there is truth in it. I don't however, agree with how he goes about sharing it. To each his own. I was still attempting to be helpful and honest. Oh, and I have never been accused of being tackful lol.

Speaking of, has anyone heard if Exil has picked himself up a new Pre or did he bail before he bailed?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 05:19 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

I came from the touch pro and while I kinda wanted th TP2, I couldn't stomach another slow and laggy winmo device. I realized that all the times I hacked, modded and tweaked WinMo, it was just because I couldn't stand how it worked normally.

WebOS is young. The Pre is young. But I acutally LIKE to use my phone. Even with the newness of the OS I enjoy using it. I tweak it cuz it's easy, not because I can't stand to use it stock.

And the updates that Palm has put out KILLS what winMo was able to do. it's been almost 4 years since winmo5. they are just on 6.5 with not much that really changed in terms of user interactivity...

Come to the Pre. just try one out for a week and see if you will ever want to touch your Pro again...

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

have an opportunity to buy a used pre with a bunch of accessories for 200 - what do you think? good deal?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 05:30 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
I currently go back and forth between my Diamond and Pre, though lately I have spent more time with the Pre. It is a great device with a lot of developments and interest spurring from its infancy. As of now, I am so far impressed with the level of customization. More and more tweaks are popping up each day and precentral has officially opened a theme thread with a variety of custom themes to choose from, prethemer has even more. I've had a lot of fun with it so far, and its very stable.

What do you honestly expect? There are now 2 proprietary devices running WebOS, both in their infancy. Updates are not only very necessary due to the lack of or poor implementation of certain features (ie cut, copy, and paste), but easy considering the low number of devices. Compare this to WinMo which is built for likely a hundred devices all with varying screen size, keypad configurations, touch screen vs non-touch screen, etc. Makes frequent updating on the behalf of Microsoft rather difficult.
I do agree that some of the updates are needed due to pushing the product faster than it should have been (Palm execs are on record saying the phone should have been released 6 months after it was). BUT the responsiveness of Palm has still be stellar.

Winmo took 4 years to move from 5 (May 2005) to 6.5 (officially Oct 2009). you be the judge if the improvements in usability of the OS was worth a 4 year wait. For me it wasn't.

I have to disagree with your point about the fact that it took so long because of the number of devices on the market. The customization of Winmo has traditionally fell on the OEM's (think TouchFLo, Touchwiz and other User interfaces) and carriers to implement. Winmo has been focused on creating an OS only. As Ballmer continually says, There will be NO windows phone. So if anything Winmo should be able change faster than the companies that need to upgrade their hardware as well.

  #29 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 05:34 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

I played with a Pre a few weeks ago and really liked it. While I dont think its for me, I did enjoy playing with it untill I had to use that terrible Keyboard!
Has anyone released a SIP keyboard for it yet. I think that would make it a much more user friendly device

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 07:21 PM
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Re: Jumping ship!

Originally Posted by yotoad View Post
have an opportunity to buy a used pre with a bunch of accessories for 200 - what do you think? good deal?
i would jump all over that deal...add TEP and go..!!
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