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Old 07-12-2009, 12:57 PM
Big D5's Avatar
The Voice of Reason
Pocket PC: PPC 6700/Touch Diamond/Touch Pro
Carrier: Sprint
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Palm Pre FAQ (Please read before posting) Last update 7/14/09

Please keep in mind that if new threads are created related to these already-discussed topics, they will need to be closed or merged with the original threads. This will help us keep the forum neat and clean, so please

More will be added to this sticky as our Palm Pre community grows, feel free to PM me with suggestions!!!

* Give us your opinion on your new Pre in our “Official Palm Pre User Review Thread” HERE I want to know what you think You can read my 6th day review HERE

* Sprint Pal Pre User's Guide (requires Adobe Reader) from Sprint.com HERE

* Share your Pre Today screen HERE

* Want to install some Home Brew apps here is a nice write up on how to get it done Post-WebOS 1.04 update homebrew app installation instructions HERE

* Want some Tips and Shortcuts Useful Tips and Shortcuts HERE

* Also Tips and Shortcuts in PFD palm pre tips and tricks in PDF I have referred to this one a lot really an almost complete list HERE

* Discuss those Palm Pre Apps HERE

* Here is a fun one Palm Pre & Touch Pro Face Off if you just have to know who has the better battery life. HERE

* It was just a mater of time Palm Pre hacked and running on Verizon HERE

* Are you having battery issues is your Pre getting hot or did it freeze during an over the air update? Check this thread for help Overheating and battery life. HERE

* Want to use that 3G data connection to connect your PC to the Internet check out this thread Tether with Pre HERE

As always this is a work in progress more to come. Please PM with suggestions.
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”

Robert Kennedy

Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time.

Last edited by Big D5; 09-20-2009 at 11:16 PM.
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  PPCGeeks > Other Devices > WebOS > WebOS Devices > Palm Pre

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