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Old 02-08-2010, 01:16 PM
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is the Pre worth it for me?

I've been rocking a diamond for about a year, and I love winmo, will not leave it, but looking to expand into webos and android. I have a chance to buy a basically new pre for $140 cash, is this worth it? obviously its a good price, but I just wanted some feedback from someone who used to use winmo (or still does) and is used to flashing custom roms on the regular. How's the browser speed? are there soem good apps? how customizable is it? overall speed? easy or hard to use the qwerty? can install 3rd party soft keyboards (i love me some swype)?
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

I'm in a similar boat. i want to try a new OS, but i dont know if the pre is good enough to move me off the SERO plan.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2010, 06:07 PM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

I actually just bought this phone today. I have the tp2 and the hero laying around. I really wanted to try this phone and it is pretty good thus far, haven't really tried any apps yet. Browsing is FAST faster than opera. Youtube quality is 8\10. If you want it I say get it thus far. -nappy unlike Winmo. I am going to keep my tp2 in my back pocket just in case.
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Old 02-09-2010, 07:24 PM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

My wife and I both had the Diamond and I hacked the crap out of it with Mighty Rom's or whatever I felt was the fast, sable ROM. I made the switch and Im glad I did. Multitasking is the thing with this phone, cant beat it. My wife has the Hero and Im not impressed. She is forever having issues with SMS and its annoying. I have rooted her phone so maybe thats the issue. With the Pre it was nice not to have to constantly look for updates. The phone alone is great but when you get into the patches and apps, it really shines. I am very picky about my phones and usually have a 6 month shelf life on my phone. Im sticking with the Pre and actually bought my son and step son the Pixi and they love it. Browser is good and and the basics are prety much the same as in any phone. When you see the 5-6 card multitask work, its a thing of beauty and no phone right now is doing that on its own. Some are that are rooted but for the regular people out there you cant beat WebOS right now.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2010, 01:07 AM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

i USED to be a winmo fan, partially because i like customizing my stuff -- hate being tied down by corporate goons. but the diamond has been a mixed baggage, which would be fine like 3-5 years ago, but i am getting too old for this shit. it's been a pain in the ass ever since. first dealing with telus, then the frigging phone not picking up while in data, then all the damn lag, battery, and even though the cooks and the roms really are the most enjoyable part of diamond/winmo, it seems i gotta keep flashing, and flashing, and flashing just to get something decent out of it. and just when you think you got the right rom, some crap bug has to mess it all up, like youtube not playing, whatever. now it seems the best part of winmo phones is that you can run android on it. cool. get android. but the worst of all, i will do anything to get away from the laggiest sms experience ever. hands down the most frustrating phone i ever owned, because it can't friggin handle switching between text messages. manila 2.5 is too laggy to be trully enjoyable. ie mobile is total garbage. and i duno why. it crashes at THE WORST POSSIBLE TIMES.

that said, i tried pre at a bell outlet. i gotta have it. sure it may not be blazing fast, and you can't flash roms on it, yet, but you dont need to. everything runs smoother on it, youtube, browser, text, facebook. oh shit, how could i forget winmo facebook app. the most embarracing thing on the web. best of all, pre feels like a cohesive structure, not a god damn abomination that winmo is -- glossy interface, ancient architecture. for god's sake, even the half ass ported android runs and looks smoother than winmo.

so yea, get it.

Last edited by Incubated; 02-12-2010 at 01:17 AM.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2010, 03:18 PM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

I have had my Pre for 3 days now, and I could never go back to WinMo. There is a reason why people are leaving WinMo and there market share is going down. Web Os is just amazing, fluid and it works. I have had no bugs show up, or crashes. I had some true WinMo fans at work try it out and they just loved it.
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Old 02-12-2010, 08:13 PM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

I have a treo pro running Manila 2D, but its gotten buggy and the like, as happens with these things, but to the point that its getting to me a bit. I too hate being stuck with proprietary OS/software and enjoy the customizing that can constantly be done with WM.

I have a Pixi on its way, getting here tomorrow. I'm curious/excited to play with it, so we'll see what happens.

However, saw the pixi in store today and felt it was way too small looking? (already ordered it tho) Thought itd be the same dimensions as my TreoPro, which has the most perfect size/weight in-hand! Eh well, wish the screen was same size as the Pre's, but they left a chunk out for the "gesture area", which was pretty cool in store.
Tomorrow and through getting used to it, I'll try to post an update.
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:47 PM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

as a former pre/pixi user and now a hero "android" user id say go with android.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

As a former Hero and Android user I say go with Palm Webos. Android is too simple.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: is the Pre worth it for me?

as a former touch pro, touch pro 2, and htc hero user I'd say that webOS wipes the floor with them (note that I said webOS) the Pre is plaiged with bad build quality issues so check it out before buying if you can. As far as apps, there are plenty but nowhere near Android numbers although it's growing every day and wipes the floor with WM and Android in the games department. Browser is the best I have used as well. IMO the real advantage is that fragmentation is much less likely with Pm since it's family is small and since it makes hardware and software Palm is keeping webOS tight and well managed by it's devices thus gaining more interest from developers to not worry about compatibility when developing with webOS...
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