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Old 01-02-2010, 02:11 PM
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6 month Pre update

I bought the Pre the second week it came out and after going through 3 of them in a week due to quality control issues (slider had wayy too much play in one, microphone didn't work in another) I had been pretty happy with it. Yes, the edges of the top half scrapes against the edges of teh keyboard as well as marking the mirror, but I accepted that for teething problems in an otherwise really great device.

I have had almost a dozen smartphones, and the Pre is hands down the best all around phone I've had (including fiddling with iphones). However, in the past month, my phone has had random slowdowns, call dropping, shuts down without warning and the earphone jack cuts out if I move the plug any amount. I think this is a clear cut case of the phone just not being very durable long term.. which is troubling as honestly, my HTC Touch is still in pretty good shape for using it a year.

Thankfully many of my issues were covered under the factory limited year warranty, so after jumping through some hoops at the local service facility, I got a brand spankin new one! If it starts to go bad again, I'm going to push for a switch to a new phone but otherwise the new phone does not have the issues my six month old Pre had.. I still really like the phone, but to be honest the QC issues with such a short usage span has kind of left a bad taste in my mouth and I find myself jealously eyeing my friends' Motorola Droids (with multi-touch patch).
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 07:53 AM
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Re: 6 month Pre update

Glad to hear that your enjoying the phone. I personally am gearing for a glorious return to sprint (and a 60 dollar reduction on my bill thank you AT&T) and the Pre seems like the best choice available. As much as I like the Touch Pro 2 its made by HTC, Which has earned a place on my s*** list due to the media playback issues that has plagued nearly every one of their windows mobile devices. (Especially when they basically told everyone with a Vogue to simply buy a touch pro or diamond if we wanted to watch movies, because they would never unlock the dedicated graphics in the device.)

I can't wait to get one and start tweaking, And hey! I won't invoke the wrath of palm by doing it! (unlike another company that I know, lol)
Current Device: Palm Pre
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 02:09 PM
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Re: 6 month Pre update

I was a frequent changer of phones, usually every six months. I love the Pre, maybe not so much the phone but the OS. I like the form of the Pre but the build is kinda weak. After getting mine on day 1, I had to exchange it for a new one due to the screen cracking near the charger and if it was snapped shut, it would reset. I received my new Pre and the build is a little bit better on this one. I still wish they would add the charger on the bottom but here's to wishful thinking. I like this phone so much, Im actally gonna stay with WebOS. Im looking forward to seeing the future Palm devices with WebOS. All in all, I like the OS and phone and im always telling people how good a phone it is. As far as going to the Droid, my wife has a Hero and Im not impressed by it. She has so many issues with some of the basic features its amazing. Even with the added apps, she still has issues with her phone. Im all done with WinMo and Iphone doesnt impress me either. I like the potential for WebOS.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2010, 11:57 PM
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Re: 6 month Pre update

got my Pre as a free replacement due to my Touch Pro issues. Lovin the phone thus far (Most everything about it) However, if the "Rumours" that Iphone 4g might be comming all the more reason to come over to the Sprint side.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 09:18 PM
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Re: 6 month Pre update

Originally Posted by rezistrat View Post
got my Pre as a free replacement due to my Touch Pro issues. Lovin the phone thus far (Most everything about it) However, if the "Rumours" that Iphone 4g might be comming all the more reason to come over to the Sprint side.
How did you convince sprint to let you replace the TP for the Pre?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 11:15 PM
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Re: 6 month Pre update

because the refurb touch pro's that they are sending out suck and are put together like crap. i just got my second one in and it is jacked up out of the box. they are offering a few other choices as a replacement instead of another refurb touch pro. they offered me one but i am afraid to change operating systems. i want a touch pro 2 but they were out of stock
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