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  #251 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Originally Posted by jasontammy View Post
I do LOVE the panex thing you guys are playing with..is there a way you can cab that particular set up of titanium with the panex for those of us who are stupid when it comes to doing things like that? That would be great.
I can make that for you
This is a PNX modified CAB of Lioryte's Titanium Weather named
"TitaniumWeather modified by me with Samurize and WireArt Icons"
Which is found in post #2 of this topic

The only differences are that the .pnx file was added and the registry was modified to work with Panex
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  #252 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Hi zanix,

Did you ever manage to figure out the last PM I sent ya?

Also thanx for the cab file, I'll post it if OK by you
  #253 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Well..titanium weather works for a little while...then when it tries to update..it has a error message..
There is no application
associated with
"TitaniumWeather". Run
the application first, then
open this file from within
the application.

And as far as the CHomeEditor is concerned.. It doesnt allow you to disable and enable some panels. I had to re-download the settings panel, Cmessage panel and still cannot get the CLauncher panel enabled. It shows it in the list of panels as being enabled, but is not on the home screen with the other panels. I just want a panel for a quick launch of my favorite programs and a lock screen and a quick disconnect of cellular radio..i.e. flight mode.
Sorry if it sounds like I am asking too much, but I just want all the stuff I once had...
Thank you for your time!
JasonM...IS becoming...NO, IS a Flashaholic!!!=D>
  #254 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 11:30 AM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Originally Posted by jasontammy View Post
Well..titanium weather works for a little while...then when it tries to update..it has a error message..
There is no application
associated with
"TitaniumWeather". Run
the application first, then
open this file from within
the application.

And as far as the CHomeEditor is concerned.. It doesnt allow you to disable and enable some panels. I had to re-download the settings panel, Cmessage panel and still cannot get the CLauncher panel enabled. It shows it in the list of panels as being enabled, but is not on the home screen with the other panels. I just want a panel for a quick launch of my favorite programs and a lock screen and a quick disconnect of cellular radio..i.e. flight mode.
Sorry if it sounds like I am asking too much, but I just want all the stuff I once had...
Thank you for your time!

Titanium weather works fine, install the one from post 2 to device memory. Same for CHomeEditor, install it to device memory. I use CCommunications and TitaniumWeather, along with CHomeEditor and have no issues. If it doesn't work for you try a HR
  #255 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 01:47 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Both work on my end, as far as putting panex in the weather panel, I posted instructions earilier, PM me if you need help
Stock AT&T ROM w/ Transparent Manila 2.1 edits
(I miss flashing...)

Don't forget to click THANKS for those who have helped!
  #256 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 03:24 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Anybody having any touch-sensitivity issues on 28011? Seems to not work well inside of a text / email message.
  #257 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 04:28 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Originally Posted by rfarrah View Post
Anybody having any touch-sensitivity issues on 28011? Seems to not work well inside of a text / email message.
It's an issue I wasn't aware of since I scroll with the dpad/sidescroll. It was brought to my attention yesterday and I'll be working on finding a solution or seeing if it's a build related issue.
Edit: I find it strange that it works so well BUT emails.
  #258 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 04:43 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

Originally Posted by lioryte View Post
It's an issue I wasn't aware of since I scroll with the dpad/sidescroll. It was brought to my attention yesterday and I'll be working on finding a solution or seeing if it's a build related issue.
Edit: I find it strange that it works so well BUT emails.
Me, too. At first I thought it was just me, or that I was imagining it. That's why I posted the question!

But everything else scrolls nice and smooth. And by the way, that's a very fast build. Good work!
  #259 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 05:15 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

It's an issue with 28009 also.
  #260 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 02:54 AM
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Re: Lioryte Base 28011+mortscript 4.3β ~164MB free

I just flashed the 28009 this morning. All went great, but I did have a little trouble with loading some .cab files (post flash). WalkingHotSpot Had to be installed with SKTools. But after that, it's one fast, lean ROM.
Then I had to get the devs of the software to reset my key. (Upgrading)..
Thank you all for making this transition to the Omnia i910 as painless as a free upgrade. Now I just have to pay the monthly bill for the next 18 months.

Cheers to all and happy holidays...
Cooking THE NEW PPCK, 21909
Thanks joojoobee666..

Rest in Peace Baby Brother..[8-7-10]...
And They Better Watch Out For RICOCHETS!!!
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