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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 02:57 AM
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CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

Time to start a new thread now that CF03 is out. This thread will contain all of my roms, ranging from 6.1, to 6.5.

So what I am offering are cooked ROMs based on CF03. As we all know, CF03 is the official Verizon i910 release, which includes (alleged) bugfixes, and enhancements to the now officially unlocked GPS.

Removed in 6.1
All Verizon applications have been removed.
All Samsung applications have been removed (as well as Opera), except Phonebook, call log, SMS Retry, calculator, Task Switcher, TV Out, Volume Control, and FM Radio. Games were removed, as well as Voice Command, Remote Desktop, and Office.

Added to 6.1
Elegant Samsung dialer (not enabled)
Bluetooth Icon Broker
Default IM Selector
advanced config
jbed java
MS my phone
.netCF 3.5
Internet Sharing
HTC emulator files and control panel applet
Original CF03 keyboard with popup keys
Various performance tweaks and fixes
12mb pagepool

Removed in 6.5
All Verizon applications have been removed.
All Samsung applications have been removed (as well as Opera in Base), except Phonebook, call log, SMS Retry, calculator, Task Switcher, TV Out, Volume Control, and FM Radio. Games were removed in Base, as well as Voice Command, Remote Desktop, and Office.

Added to 6.5
Elegant Samsung dialer (not enabled)
Bluetooth Icon Broker
Default IM Selector
advanced config
jbed java
MS my phone*
MS Tag*
.netCF 3.5
HTC emulator files and control panel applet
Original CF03 keyboard with popup keys
Various performance tweaks and fixes
FTouchSL 2.10 trial
CHome editor
Opera Panel*
HTC Task Manager * **
Fave Contacts*
Titanium Weather*
M2D 19b**
HTC Album**
HTC Audio Manager**
Opera 9.5 build 16340 * **
Obex Inbox*
Google Maps**
Power management hacks
Performance hacks
SD card transfer hacks

* Vanilla only
** M2D only

12mb pagepool

6.1 ROM

4.0 Release
There is now just one ROM, a meeting of minds between Base and Vanilla.
Based on 23025

3.0 Releases

--Build 23016.

--Latest Google Maps in all builds except Base.

--Latest Microsoft Tag in Vanilla.

--New resources, with larger start menu icons (as its meant to be). I will include a cab for the old look as well.

--MS Bing has been removed due to its poor performance vs. google maps. Hopefully this will be resolved in future releases. Google Maps replaces it for now. As you folks know, I do not like poorly performing software in my ROMs.

--12mb pagepool

--Base no longer has java installed.








2.0 Releases

Build 23008.

htcaddicts cleanram 1.6. (not in Base)

File explorer extensions are back in.

Titanium calendar mod (it will show your appointments to the side of Calendar title, even when not selected.

Lioryte's most excellent Seven icons for Titanium weather. (Vanilla only)

Due to popular demand, ideal calibration settings have replaced my own values.




1.0 Releases

6.5 Vanilla 1.0

6.5 M2D 1.0

6.5 Base 1.0

Known Issues
Media Album and Touch Player do not appear to work on this rom, even from cab. I may be proved wrong here.
Samsung Widgets cannot be made to work as well.
The SMS read/unread count issue with threaded text is a design decision by MS, or better or for worse.
Base 6.5 does not have Titanium enabled by default. Enable it via Today items.

To-Do List

Slim down the ROMs more, and remove a few more things from Base.
Attempt to figure out why Media Album and Touch Player from CF03 will not work after rom extraction.
Various cleanups here and there.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Small Start Menu Icons.cab (12.2 KB, 13 views) Click for barcode!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 02:58 AM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne



6.5 Vanilla


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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2009, 04:10 PM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

Originally Posted by Eschelon View Post
Anyone know where I can find 'Owner Information' in 4.0? I need to get in there and set my name so that I can register half my apps, but I can't find it

You need to remove the redirects.

  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2009, 07:48 PM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

I've archived a boat load of posts from this thread in an general housecleaning effort. This archiving process does not change your post count or thanks.

If something needs to be returned to this thread let me know via pm.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

thanks, but the only problem is now when I have a problem with his rom, i can't search the thread to see how or if the issue was resolved. That being said i guess i will just ask again. Im using 4.0 but there is no mms and vibration doesn't work. Any ideas to fix this.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2009, 09:14 PM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

and I do bring BEER- hats off- Adrynalyne- i stumbled on the ROM once and got foiled- NOW retried and IT'S THE BEST THING going
6.1 MODs on omnia are the only way to go

Merry Christmas- now I don't need to learn to cook- it's been served exquisitely
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 06:16 PM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

Is it true what he is saying about MMS.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

when i try and send a pic i've taken from my camera through the MMS mode i get the following problems:

first i get the message: Image size has exceeded multimedia message limit. Resize image? Yes No

so i select Yes

and then i get another message box that says Unable to resize image.

once i click ok, it just goes back to the home screen.

i'm using Adrenalyne's CF03 6.5 M2D ROM version 2.0 on a Verizon i910

any idea on what i can do to fix this?

thanks in advance.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

Could use help on how to change the keyboard in Adrynalyne's WM6.5 version of this rom. I've tried everything I can remeber.
Don't understand why this thread is archived?
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: CF03 Based ROMs From Adrynalyne 4.0 *Latest ROMs Here!*

Originally Posted by jbrittmartin View Post
when i try and send a pic i've taken from my camera through the MMS mode i get the following problems:

first i get the message: Image size has exceeded multimedia message limit. Resize image? Yes No

so i select Yes

and then i get another message box that says Unable to resize image.

once i click ok, it just goes back to the home screen.

i'm using Adrenalyne's CF03 6.5 M2D ROM version 2.0 on a Verizon i910

any idea on what i can do to fix this?

thanks in advance.
I used the attached cab file to fix this problem.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Lioryte_MMS_Fix.cab (5.0 KB, 17 views) Click for barcode!
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