I really like this app (funContact) however, after a week it seemed to disable my threaded sms, not sure if it was the culprit or not.. but I'm hesitant to re-install it until the sms is released.
Edit: And yes its much faster and smoother than pocketcm
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
Hoping to hear something on an integrated package of FunContact and SMS app....
maybe VitOl Junior Member can tell us whats going on??? |
is anybody using AstroNavigator? I'm trying to get a gauge of whether i should bother with it or not. The description sounds pretty good.
Well y'know what, vito does put out pretty good products, so i'll take the plunge on this sight unseen. thanks for helping me make my decision! lolz
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