Originally Posted by JMQUINT00
i've had my touch pro with sprint since nov of 08, it would make some sense that they would release one of the two round this time to combat the new iphone, I would think it would be the diamond 2 not the touch 2 though
the reason they are not releasing the D2 and may possibly cut that line is simple. they really arent selling. the diamond sold about an average 3,000 a week nationally. where the TP sold over 15,000 on a weekly baises...and is still a hot seller. the different really is the keyboard and one piece of software...but its the SD Card and the physical keyboard that really sets the phone apart.
unfortunately we here at ppcgeeks are not the majority. if only every TP or Diamond owner new about us. but personally every HTC owner that i know face to face. has never heard of or been on here until ive told them about it. we need to get the Word Out YO lol haha...
but my bday is this month and i really want the TP2 to come out asap. yes i have the TP and it can do everything i would like it to do. but im a geeker i want that phone just because and that s a good enough reason for it....maybe if i ever have kids then of course id spend my money else where, but right now IM my only kid lmao...

completely of topic my apologies