Originally Posted by pjsnyc
I'm not sure I agree with you on this one. If MS really made a great OS for phone functionality from the start (no pun intended), we wouldn't WANT to be able to customize it like we do today - at least not on the scale that we see now.
In contrast, iPhones were made with phone functionality in mind. End product - it just works and most iPhone owners are happy with it without the need to customize it. Yes - we live in a very technologically savvy world so no matter what gadget is in mind, you bet there will be people that wanna know what makes it tick. Heck, people are still hacking the Apple Newton!
For some reason, this topic kinda reminds me of how facebook has evolved. I remember not too long ago people were yelling bloody murder when FB activated their news feed feature. Look at it now! Another one of those - they'll hate it at first, get used to it second, then depend on them last AS LONG AS you're satisfied with what ever else the product has to offer.
Kinda like what Apple is doing.
Apple: NO MMS for you! You don't need it!
iPhone owner: But I want it! All the other dumbphones can do it!
Apple: NO - you don't need it. Just use email.
iPhone owner: OK, I'll just use email then. As long as my phone can do all the other stuff easier.
So in essence - if MS locked their OS down tighter than beads attached to an abacus AND actually had a rock solid phone OS, then yeah - most wouldn't want to customize it to get it to work the way they want.
As for your comments on MS playing catch up - sometimes its good to stay a service pack behind 
The problem with apple is they intentionally leave out a few basic features so that less than a year later they can release a new version of the same product with minor improvements and a massive ad campaign. The fact that the original iPhone wasn't 3G, no GPS or exchange mail was a crime against their loyal customers, the early adopters (just for the record I hate apple). Look at the iPod and the Mac book, its the same thing. 20gb iPod, 40gb iPod, 60gb iPod, 80gb, color iPod, color iPod with video, 80bg Color video iPod, nano, nano with a new shape! It goes on and on...
I give a lot of credit to Apple for its ability to create easy to use consumer products, but hate the fact that they give the early adopters the shaft.